Saturday, February 26, 2022

My Grace is sufficient.

 A friend gave me this material. It's very inspiring.

What is your day like today?*

There are days when we feel like *Paul*; 

_we just want to write letters & strengthen our brothers._

There are days when we feel like *Peter*; 

_we just want to deny everything & everyone._

There are days when we feel like *Job*; 

_we just want to die and end the pain & suffering._

There are days when we feel like *Solomon*; 

_we want godly advice to make good decisions._

There are days when we feel like *Jonah*; 

_we just want to escape our responsibilities._

There are days when we feel like *Moses*; 

_afraid of not being able to speak._

There are days when we feel like the *Good Samaritan*; 

_we want to do good no matter what_.

There are days when we feel strong like *Joshua* and *Caleb*; 

_ready for war._

There are days when we feel like *Jeremiah*, 

_the anguish of our heart is too great._

There are days when we feel like *Daniel*; 

_our strength is in prayer & no one can stop us._

There are days when we feel like *Elijah*; 

_we prefer to hide in the cave._

There are days when like *David* & *Miriam*; 

_we feel like singing & dancing._

There are days when we feel like *Hannah*; 

_we don't really want to eat, we just want to cry._

There are days when we have faith like *Abraham*, 

_to win it all, jump over walls & overcome armies._

There are days when we *look at the hills* & wonder, 

_"Where will my help come from? "_

It does not mean that we are *strong or weak*.

It means that we are just *human* and have limits 

_and therefore we need God's power to accomplish our daily purpose on earth._

I don't know what your day is like today.  But remember _"Whatever your day is like, our loving *Heavenly Father* is with you *today, tomorrow & forever."*_

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”* (2 Corinthians 12:9a)


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