Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Secret of happy relationship.

 My Mother always cooked tasty food. But one day, she put a burnt pie in front of my Father.

Not just a little burnt, but black as coal.

I waited to see what my Father would say.

But he just ate the pie and asked how my day was.

Then i heard my Mother apologize to him for his dinner.

I'll never forget his response.

"Dear, i like your pie."

Later, i asked him if he had told the truth.

He put his arm on my shoulder and said, "Your Mother had a tough day at work."

"She was tired."

"The burnt pie didn't harm me but, a sharp word could have hurt her."

We all make mistakes.

We shouldn't focus on mistakes but, support those we love.

That's the secret of long and happy relationships.

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