Saturday, February 12, 2022


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I have a friend who is a locksmith. He can open any lock, any vault. He even fixed our tabernacle when the key got stuck. I was struck by what he said: "The hardest to open is the heart." Indeed, for the heart must be opened from within. It involves readiness and willingness.

My locksmith friend also makes key duplicates. He can make any duplicate. You name it, he will fix it.  But he hit the nail on the head when he said: "We can duplicate anything except the heart." Words of wisdom!

Nobody loves like you do. Nobody cries like you do. No one has the heart that is in you. A beautiful reminder for all of us - each one is unique and special. Our fingerprints, our footprints, and our heartprints are unique and special.

Yes, all of us are unique and special to God.


Lord, open the locks that imprison me, and set free that which is unique and special in me. Amen.


"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.."  Psalm 139:14


February 14 is Valentines Day.  As stewards of God's creation, let us honor and take care of everything that is unique and special in us, and in one another.  

#lovemonth #loveforself

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