Sunday, September 25, 2022


 If You Miss the BOARD EXAM this Year, to Many You Remain Dear

Don't worry if you didn't reach the passing mark in this year's board examination.

Based on your rigid academic training, I really guess that you passed in many parts but lack some points in just few sections.

Even if you didn't make it this year, the TRUTH is, you know many things in your profession more than an ordinary board passer does.

You are good in your profession. That's how I and many people appreciate you.

Many people love you and that won't change because of the board examination result.

Taking the board is a bit of luck. You may or you may not pass. You might have missed it because board exam performance is not purely academic. It also depends on numerous external factors. This time is not yours but there's another time meant for you.

If you assess your entire life, you have been very BLESSED AND LUCKY in so many things and in so many times. Missing the board this year is just a minor thing compared to the tens of BIG BLESSINGS AND LUCKS you have had.


1. STOP THINKING OF THE BOARD RESULT. You can't do anything about it anymore.

2. ASSESS what you have done related to board preparations. In board examinations, THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PREPARATION EXCEPT PREPARATION ITSELF.

3. IDENTIFY all your mistakes in your board preparation approach.


5. HAPPILY talk to your parents, relatives, friends and love ones what made you miss the board and how will you eagerly attack it the next time around.

As many say, think positively always. There are vast bright opportunities waiting ahead for positive thinkers.

I, your parents, relatives, friends and love ones are optimistic that, in the near future, you'll be one of the big contributors to national development because of your profession and potentials.

That's all and God bless the future of your career.


Is the attached picture a sunrise or a sunset?

I personally took this picture from Hong Kong airspace on 26 December 2018. As a mind exercise, I want you to view this as a sunrise rather than a sunset. Do it 3 times. In that way, you tend to view things more of an opening promising future rather than a spoiled past. Make this your daily habit.

From Sir Arthur Tambong

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