Saturday, September 17, 2022

Steve jobs' last word in life.


You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.

When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading – "Book of Healthy Life.”

  • wearing a $300 or $30 watch - they both tell the same time...
  • Whether we carry a $300 or $30 wallet/handbag - the amount of money inside is the same;
  • Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the road and distance is the same, and we get to the same destination.
  • Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine - the hangover is the same;
  • Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq ft - loneliness is the same.

1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence and
6. Friends

Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy a healthy life.

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