Friday, September 16, 2022

Why do

 Why do most people know they need to start a business or become an investor, but ultimately do nothing?

A friend of mine specializes in human behavior so I asked him this question…

His answer was not what I was expecting. 

It’s not because they don’t have the money. Ask any drug dealer, they NEVER have a money problem. Addicts can ALWAYS get money.

So, I’m pretty sure that means the rest of us can too.

It’s not because they don’t have the time. There is not a single person alive today who could not become more efficient with their time.

It's because they don’t have... confidence.

The rest are excuses we make up to hide the fact that we don’t have the confidence.

I used to teach a course that focused on this. There were three parts: BE. DO.

HAVE. (I did not create this, but found great value in it.)

The first step, BE, dealt with confidence. Because once you have the confidence you can take action (DO). Once you start taking action you will HAVE.


So, ask yourself, “Who do I need to BE” in order to HAVE my goals come true?

You need to BE a person with confidence. To get confidence you need two things:

1.   Knowledge

2.   Experience

Knowledge is actually pretty easy to get. It’s everywhere in this day and age. The hardest part is knowing the knowledge you get is honest and true. With the

Internet today EVERYONE is claiming to be an “expert” or a “guru”.

Take my quiz so you can get knowledge from a TRUE expert

This is one of the reasons I introduce you to my friends, partners and trusted advisors. I do this to help you know that the person I am introducing you to is the real deal.

He/she walks-the-walk. They don’t just talk-the-talk.

That takes us to the second thing you need to build confidence… experience.

Until you get your own experience, you have to rely on the experience of your teacher. The person giving you their knowledge better have a lot of experience. If they are “faking it until they make it” run away... FAST!

Take my quiz so you can get knowledge from an EXPERIENCED expert

Stop doing nothing.



Robert Kiyosaki

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