Saturday, October 01, 2022



Having a child at a very young age is not a "blessing". Enjoy being "dalaga" and "binata" until you turn 30. 

Lack of money is the root of all problems in life.

Money can buy happiness if you spend it right.

95% of what you've learned from grades 1 to 12 is useless in your adulthood.

Your academic grades, awards, medals, and recognitions from elementary to senior high are all insignificant in real life. Its value stays within the four corners of your school.

You don't owe anything to your parents because you are their responsibility until your 18th birthday. But if they still support you after turning 19, "utang na loob" takes place and you need to repay them one day.

Too much drama in life will only lead to poverty. If your family is full of drama, then leave your family.

If you make life decisions based on your emotions, your life will be very miserable, 100% guaranteed.

Too much love for the wrong person will only poison your rational thinking and it will eventually lead to a life that is depressing and with no direction.

Love yourself over anyone else. It's okay to be selfish. There's nothing wrong with that.

Travel around the world while you are young because 1 year of travel is equivalent to 12 years of school education. Travelling will teach you a lot about life, business, and everything under the sun.

If you want to live a happy life, you need to have a perfect balance of everything: work, family, friendship, romance, vices, religion, travel, solitude, etcetera. An imbalanced life is a sad life.

It's very hard to be happy when you don't have money.

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