Saturday, November 26, 2022


 A man saw a snake being burned to death and decided to take it out of the fire. When he did, the snake bit him causing excruciating pain. The man dropped the snake, and the reptile fell right back into the fire.

So, the man looked around and found a metal pole and used it to take the snake out of the fire, saving its life.

Someone who was watching approached the man and said: “That snake bit you. Why are you still trying to save it?”

The man replied: “The nature of the snake is to bite, but that's not going to change my nature, which is to help.”

Do not change your nature simply because someone harms you. Do not lose your good heart, but learn to take precautions



The heart that loves is always healthy. The heart that serves is always happy. The heart that cares is always strong. A pure heart receives God's blessings. And thus, we pray that God keeps us healthy, happy, and strong and that we can love and serve Him best! So take really good care of your heart ❤️.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022


Thursday day off

Bakbak pintura sa roof deck

Goto Sm Bac.

Tanggal tahi sa ipin ni pogi.

Php1000 doc randy dentist.
Php840.25 grocery
Php100 macao cheese cake oreo
Php100 chat time milk tea
Php244.28 inasal, crema, paa large
Php235.72 paa large at tsm1

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Ganito lang yan.

 Client: Hindi ako naniniwala sa Insurance.

Me: Mr. Client diba may kotse ka?

Client: Yes

Me: May spare tire kang dala?

Client: Yes

Me: Bakit ka may dala?

Client: Baka ma-flatan ako eh.

Me: Alam mo kailan ka maf-flatan?

Client: Hindi.

Me: Gusto mong ma-flatan gulong?

Client: Syempre hindi!

Me: Kapag na-flatan ka, anong mas gusto mo, may spare tire ka or wala?

Client: Syempre meron.

Me: Parang ganun lang ang insurance. Hindi mo pa gustong mawala. Hindi mo rin gustong magkasakit, ma-disabled, ma-aksidente at ma-confine. Pero kasi hindi natin alam kung kelan yang mga yan mangyayari eh. At kung sakaling mangyari ang isa sa mga yan anong mas gusto mo? Handa ka o Hindi?

Client: Syempre yung handa ako.

Me: Oh halika pumirma ka dito ✍ nanggigigil ako sayo!🤣🤣🤣

Kidding aside, ang moral lesson is dapat Insured ka tulad ng car mo. That's being prudent and wise. 👌


Monday, November 21, 2022

Fight corruption. Be good

 Sociologists say that:

 1- If you are in a hotel or restaurant, and you put more sugar or milk in your tea than you do at home... then you have a predisposition to corruption.

 2- If you use more tissues, soap or perfume, in the restaurant or public place than you do at home, then if you have the opportunity to embezzle, you will embezzle.

 3- If you serve yourself more food that you can devour at weddings and open buffets just because someone else will pay the bill.. this is proof that if you had the opportunity to eat public money, you would.

 4- If you usually skip people in queues, you will have the ability to climb on the shoulders of others to reach power.

 5- If you consider that what you collect from the street of money and other things is your right .. then you have signs of thief.

 6- If you (usually) care about knowing a popular last name instead of a first name.. you are a racist and would likely help people just because of their origins. You also care about people, not ideas and achievements.

 7- If you violate the traffic instructions, and you have no regard for traffic lights... you have a readiness for all transgressions, even if innocent people fall into them.

 Fighting corruption starts from the self. Let's try to be distinguished people wherever we are, and remember that honesty is what you do between you and yourself and not just what you do in the presence of people....!❤️

Get English lectures here!👇


 Q - Paano po maging GUEST na hindi PESTE sa HOST?

A - 

1. Do not invite yourself.

2. Do not overstay your welcome.


3. Hanggat kaya, or unless talagang super sincere ang invitation,

hwag makitira / makibakasyon sa bahay ng host 24/7.

Tama na yung dumalaw for a meal, kwentuhan, even extended kwentuhan, or one overnight, pero wag tumira dun 24/7 unless pakapilit-pilitin ka talaga.

4. Kung makitira, wag pa-bebe / pa-senyorito/a, clean after yourself, AT WAG IPASAN SA HOST ANG TRANSPORTATION mo. Contribute to expenses, or buy some supplies/ foods or treat the host to restaurant meals.

5. Wag kumalat sa sala, lalu na kung may dumating silang ibang bisita.

6. Wag magdala ng ibang tao/guests sa bahay ng host.

7. Get scarce --- scram --- kung may personal drama na nagaganap sa hosts.

8. Wag magmanman at wag makialam sa mga private activities ng host.

9. Never extend your stay beyond the original arrangement.

10. Wag magbakasyon kung makikitira lang sa napilitang hosts.

Aral galing sa matanda 80 taong gulang.

 Life lessons from an 80 yr old man

1. Have a firm handshake.

2. Look people in the eye.

3. Sing in the shower.

4. Own a great stereo system.

5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.

6. Keep secrets.

7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.

8. Always accept an outstretched hand.

9. Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

10. Whistle.

11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.

12. Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90% of all your happiness and misery.

13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.

14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.

15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.

16. When playing games with children, let them win.

17. Give people a second chance, but not a third.

18. Be romantic.

19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.

21. Don’t allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It’s there for our convenience, not the caller’s.

22. Be a good loser.

23. Be a good winner.

24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.

25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.

26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.

27. Keep it simple.

28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.

29. Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.

30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read: No regrets.

31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.

32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.

34. Take charge of your attitude. Don’t let someone else choose it for you.

35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in the hospital; you only need to stay a few minutes.

36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.

37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.

38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, ‘Someone who thinks you’re terrific.’

39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.

40. Keep a notepad and pencil on your bedside table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.

41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.

42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.

43. Make someone’s day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.

44. Become someone’s hero.

45. Marry only for love.

46. Count your blessings.

47. Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s home.

48. Wave at the children on a school bus.

49. Remember that 80% of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.

50. Don’t expect life to be fair.

Hybrid o Inbred? Depende sa lugar at budget.

 Hybrid or Inbred?

Should A Senator Dictate

What Rice Seeds To Plant?

Ayaw ko sanang makisawsaw sa isyu na ito but Senator Cynthia Villar is grossly mis-informed about the Hybrid Rice Program.

I saw the video coverage of the budget hearing of the Dept. of Agriculture where as Senate Agriculture Chairman, Villar questioned the proposed importation of Hybrid Rice Seeds.

She said DA should buy from local growers the Inbred Seeds or open-pollinated rice varieties.

Since nobody could interrupt Senator Villar during her monologues, let me just help clarify this issue through this post.

First, not all hybrid seeds are imported.

Henry Lim Bon Liong plants his hybrid seeds in Banaybanay, Davao Oriental while PhilRice had developed public hybrids.

Yes, there are many imported Hybrid Rice Seeds like Seedworks' TH82 which could be planted in dryland but Henry's SLH series are the most popular hybrids.

Second, hybrid seeds outperform inbred seeds in production volume from 2 to 4 metric tons per hectare.

In Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija, outstanding rice farmer Danilo Bolos harvests as much as 16 metric tons with his SLH8 hybrid.

The best performance of an Inbred Rice Seed Variety using the best.farming practice is 8 to 10 metric tons.

Mahal daw ang hybrid at P3,500 per bag compared to P1,200 per bag of Inbred seeds or.a savings of P2,300.

Hindi nila naisip na kung aani ng 10 metric tons ang Hybrid at 6 metric tons ang Inbred, sa presyong P14 per kilo, kikita ang Hybrid Rice farmer ng P140,000 samantalang ang nagtanim ng Inbred Seeds ay kikita lamang ng P84,000.

That is a difference of P56,000 at ang dahilan na hind ito inabot ng Inbred Rice farmer ay dahil nagtipid sya ng P2,300.

So, the question is: Ano ba ang objective ng Rice Program?

Is it not to increase rice production?

The hardworking and honest technical people of DA are made to appear before the Senate hearings like a bunch of fools who do not know what they are doing.

They are not even given the chance to explain. Worse still, they are berated and humiliated.

Alam ng mga DA Rice Experts ang ginagawa nila.

When I was Agriculture Secretary, we conducted a National Rice Derby which demonstrated the performance of all rice varieties, both Inbred and Hybrid in different locations all over the country.

Wala ni isang inbred variety ang nakalagpas sa production volume ng hybrid.

Rice seeds are location specific and because of the National Rice Derby alam na ng mga rice experts ng DA kung aling binhi ang itatanim sa specific area para mataas ang ani.

Not all rice areas could be planted to hybrids just as not all Inbred Rice varieties would perform well in all areas.

Pati ba naman binhi ng palay na itatanim, Senador pa rin ang magdesisyon? 

Batas at mga polisiya ang ayusin ninyo at hwag nyo na pakialaman yong bagay na hindi nyo alam dahil hindi naman kayo nakapagtanim ng palay sa maputik na linang.



 After hearing from her oncologist that the cancer was no longer treatable, because she had become resistant to all the treatment options they had tried and that the plan would be to "keep him comfortable while he deteriorated rapidly, Ruth went to the room with him.

Nolan was sitting watching Youtube videos on his tablet. "I sat down with him and put my head against his and had the following conversation.":

"Me: It hurts to breathe, doesn't it?

Nolan: Buuuuueno... Yes

Me: Are you in a lot of pain?

Nolan: (Looking down) Yes.

Me: This cancer issue sucks. You don't have to fight anymore.

Nolan: I don't have to fight harder? (With happiness) But I will do it for you, Mom!

Me: No! Is that what you're doing? Do you fight for mom?

Nolan: Well... Yes.

Me: Nolan, what's Mom's job?

Nolan: Keep me safe! (With a big smile)

Me: Honey... I can't do that here anymore. The only way I can keep you safe is in heaven. (My heart shattered.)

Nolan: So, I will go to heaven and play until you arrive! You'll be coming, right?

Me: Absolutely! You can't get rid of mom so easily!

Nolan: Thank you Mom! I will go play while you arrive!"

It was Ruth and Nolan's last conversation. The hours following his death Ruth did not separate from him. They played, they watched more videos, they shot the bad men with toy guns, they smiled as many times as they could. Even an hour before he died they lay on the bed together and he told his mother how he wanted to be remembered... "of course as a policeman."

At one point, Ruth went to the bathroom, when nolan's system returned it had collapsed, he had entered a deep sleep, but still, Nolan caught his breath for an instant to dedicate the last words to his mother: "He opened his eyes, smiled and said 'I love you mom.' Then he turned his head, closed his eyes and passed away while Ruth sang in his ear.

Nolan Scully died at the age of four in his mother's arms, after a long battle with cancer. The image that the mother shared is actually two. In one of them, Nolan is seen lying on the bathroom mat while his mother was showering; and in the other the same carpet, but without Nolan. "with nothing but an empty carpet where before there was once a beautiful and perfect little boy waiting for his mom."

If your child is by your side today 'waiting for you', leave everything to have the longest and most important date of your life!


feeling heartbroken with Jeanette Atkins and Chrisann Bentley.

Saturday, November 19, 2022



Instead of anger, be filled with patience. Instead of pessimism, be filled with hope. Instead of anxiety, trust in GOD. Instead of complaints, be reflective. Instead of pressure, be prayerful. Instead of bitterness, be delightful. Instead of selfishness, be compassionate. Instead of grudges, be reconciled. Instead of words, be silent and listen. #PassionPurposeProductivity

Alam ko na.

 ALAM MO BA na hindi maganda magtanim ng SILI sa tapat ng bahay... Kasi magkakasakit ka...

....kakaisip kung sino na naman ang pumitas sa tanim mong sili. 🤣

Magtanim ng gulay nang lumigaya ang kapitbahay


 Manage money properly. The problem is when people spend what they don't have (debt) to get things they don't need (undisciplined) at a price nowhere near worth the cost (worthless purchases), So they can impress people they do not like (foolish pride)  It will always get them into trouble. Learn to control the urges. #PassionPurposeProductivity

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Family matters

 Your phone will always be there.

But I wont be

Every now and then.

I want you to look at me.

So you can miss me too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

11172022 thursday

Hatid Ganda sa uptown bgc.

Php33 toll fee

Php33 toll fee

Php3060 diesel max @php75.83 43liters

Php420 butao king  - ramen nagi

Php420 butao king - ramen nagi

Php480 red king - ramen nagi

Ttl= 1320+132=1452

Pwd Ttl = 1200+50=1250 bayad

Php799 bossini pants non denim for jp.

Php1299+549-300= 1548 penshop pants long and tshirt

Php1290 XL ultra stretch high rise leggings pants


PHP790 XL T shirt jp UNI QLO.

Php1696.62 = php1700 welding machine portable.

Php180 10 pcs 40mg atorvastatin

Php66 toll fee

Php1k upa kay bert.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Received 11162022

 New 12V 5A max  DC Car Cigarette Lighter Charger with Fuse, universal power adapter DC Plug 5.5x 2.qmm cable 1.2m.

Php114 - already paid Fely Php120.


 ADVICE from Warren Buffett 

1. STAY away from credit cards & invest in yourself.

2. LIVE your life as simple as you are.

3. DON'T do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good.

4. DON'T go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable.

5. DON'T waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend it on what you really need.

6. DON'T give others a CHANCE to RULE your LIFE, it's yours to live after all.

More advice 👉

Don't Know Much Song by Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstadt.

Look at this faceI know the years are showingLook at this lifeI still don't know where it's going
I don't know muchBut I know I love youAnd that may beAll I need to know
Look at these eyesThey've never seen what matteredLook at these dreamsSo beaten and so battered
I don't know muchBut I know I love youAnd that may beAll I need to know
So many questionsStill left unansweredSo muchI've never broken through
And when I feel you near meSometimes I see so clearlyThe only truth I've ever knownIs me and you
Look at this manSo blessed with inspirationLook at this soulStill searching for salvation
I don't know muchBut I know I love youAnd that may beAll I need to know
I don't know muchBut I know I love youThat may beAll I need to know
I don't know muchBut I know I love youThat may beAll there is to know

Monday, November 14, 2022


 Time decides whom we meet in life...

Our heart decides whom we want in our life... 

And our behavior decides who stays in our life. (anon) #PassionPurposeProductivity

Friday, November 11, 2022


Friday goto Sm w/ Jp nood sine wakanda black panther.

Php496 sine
Php300 kenny r ribs
Php218 kenny chicken

Samsung screen 
Php2500 1st canvass
Php1700 2nd canvass

Php1700 grocery

Php11500 pabunot ipin jp. Start 4:10pm. Done 4:48pm.
Bd= 10k dentist surgeon, 500 pf dentist randy, 1k xray.

Php100 milk tea
Php200 jolibee

Php281.25 dolfenal 9x31.25
Php219.00 himox cap antibio 12x18.25
Php188 vitakeratin
Paid 15 k fely 11122022.


Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Msi choose legacy


Ayaw magboot 0216 ni MSI. I choose legacy.



Today ganda promoted to analysy with 20% increase.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


Nagawa din nina Francis (contractor ng Globe ang internet namin). From October 27 up to Nov 8, 2022; around 1:15pm.

Sa Globe na lang daw magbayad then pa rebate yung no. of days na wala kaming internet.

Php 10 tricycle.

Monday, November 07, 2022

Small Things Will Help.

 “Always be good to everyone “

While eating at Mang Inasal (Happy go mall,Bignay). Si kuya na crew. He looks so tired kapag tinignan mo sya sa mata. I don’t know kung ganun lang mata nya or talagang pagod sya. This is my first time na maka tagpo ng isang crew na sobrang polite and accommodating sa lahat ng klaseng tao na makita nya. Bata or matanda kinakausap nya with joy and paggalang and yung pinaka hinangaan ko kay kuya, pati yung kasama nya sa work kinukumusta nya kung okay lang at kaya pa.

He made me realized, kahit gaano nakakapagod yung trabaho (buhay)  maging mabuti parin tayo sa lahat ng makaka salamuha natin. Hindi natin alam kung ano yung pinagdadaanan ng bawat isa. The only thing that we need to do is, always be good to everyone. Small things will help. Snappy salute sayo kuya🫡 wishing you the best of everything and I know may Plano si Lord sayo. Patuloy kalang sa hustle at pag laban ng patas. Aayon din ang panahon.

Sunday, November 06, 2022


Php600 netflix karen paid.

Php204 lazada

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Be A Good Person.

 Mr. John Wick ♥️

He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister has leukemia.

And with everything that has happened, Keanu Reeves never misses an opportunity to help people in need. When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants; One cried because he would lose his house if he did not pay $ 20,000 and on the same day Keanu deposited the necessary amount in the woman's bank account; He also donated stratospheric sums to hospitals.

In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery and bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

After winning astronomical sums for the Matrix trilogy, the actor donated more than $ 50 million to the staff who handled the costumes and special effects - the true heroes of the trilogy, as he called them.

He also gave a Harley-Davidson to each of the stunt doubles. A total expense of several million dollars. And for many successful films, he has even given up 90% of his salary to allow the production to hire other stars.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.

Most stars when they make a charitable gesture they declare it to all the media. He has never claimed to be doing charity, he simply does it as a matter of moral principles and not to look better in the eyes of others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: Be a good person.♥️

This is my Goal.

To Always Learn Something New That Will Help Others.


Php16250 paid tf ni jp give to mama pd

Php10k budget give to mama pd.

Php20 tricycle

Php20 pandesal.


Nagpunta ang globe. Malalaman kung okay na bukas. (Oct 27 to 11/5/2022 - wala pa ring internet)

Ma and Jp go to Mapua. (Nagtanong sa OJT/ Nagsubmit ng FORM137/ Yung thesis 1 binayaran uli)

Php1k pocket money

Php16250 TTL TF. ni jp 4 units.

Friday, November 04, 2022


Php 783 grocery jp at alfamart

Php85 x 3 = 255 tapsilog

Php65 longsilog

Php25 mami ttl= php345

Di pumunta ang globe sa 11052022 daw.

Dumating order sa LAZADA 3 maliit na tabo ng Polyurethane leak-proof coating for home bathroom, roof. Php 240.


Until now. Wala pa kàming internet mula pa Oct. 27, 202. Nagpunta ang globe 11032022 si Francis. Yun lang need mag wiring ng bagong linya. 

Sinundo si ganda at ynhel sa terminal 4 galing coron palawan.

Php33 + 33 toll gate fee.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

11022022 wednesday

Php5520.64 paid meco cel

Php1644.47 paid meco edu

Php 1998 paid globe

Php205 30pcs itlog

Php20 tricycle

Php1k gift jp

Php1k malabon - pd Ma

Php830 gas pangluto - pd Ma

Php1k panggala

Php15 gamot jp


Php12480 120pcs x php104 vimpat tab 100mg

Php165 3pack x php55 bewell C

Php9060 120pcs x php75.50 depakot tab500mg

Amt of sale with vat = php21705.00

Less 12% vat = php21705/9.3333 = php2325.54

TTL amount = 21705-2325.54 = php19379.46

Less: 20% Sales discount = php19379.46 x 0.20 = php3875.89

Total amount = Php 15503.57

Ma and Jp go to SM BAc.