Monday, November 21, 2022


 After hearing from her oncologist that the cancer was no longer treatable, because she had become resistant to all the treatment options they had tried and that the plan would be to "keep him comfortable while he deteriorated rapidly, Ruth went to the room with him.

Nolan was sitting watching Youtube videos on his tablet. "I sat down with him and put my head against his and had the following conversation.":

"Me: It hurts to breathe, doesn't it?

Nolan: Buuuuueno... Yes

Me: Are you in a lot of pain?

Nolan: (Looking down) Yes.

Me: This cancer issue sucks. You don't have to fight anymore.

Nolan: I don't have to fight harder? (With happiness) But I will do it for you, Mom!

Me: No! Is that what you're doing? Do you fight for mom?

Nolan: Well... Yes.

Me: Nolan, what's Mom's job?

Nolan: Keep me safe! (With a big smile)

Me: Honey... I can't do that here anymore. The only way I can keep you safe is in heaven. (My heart shattered.)

Nolan: So, I will go to heaven and play until you arrive! You'll be coming, right?

Me: Absolutely! You can't get rid of mom so easily!

Nolan: Thank you Mom! I will go play while you arrive!"

It was Ruth and Nolan's last conversation. The hours following his death Ruth did not separate from him. They played, they watched more videos, they shot the bad men with toy guns, they smiled as many times as they could. Even an hour before he died they lay on the bed together and he told his mother how he wanted to be remembered... "of course as a policeman."

At one point, Ruth went to the bathroom, when nolan's system returned it had collapsed, he had entered a deep sleep, but still, Nolan caught his breath for an instant to dedicate the last words to his mother: "He opened his eyes, smiled and said 'I love you mom.' Then he turned his head, closed his eyes and passed away while Ruth sang in his ear.

Nolan Scully died at the age of four in his mother's arms, after a long battle with cancer. The image that the mother shared is actually two. In one of them, Nolan is seen lying on the bathroom mat while his mother was showering; and in the other the same carpet, but without Nolan. "with nothing but an empty carpet where before there was once a beautiful and perfect little boy waiting for his mom."

If your child is by your side today 'waiting for you', leave everything to have the longest and most important date of your life!


feeling heartbroken with Jeanette Atkins and Chrisann Bentley.

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