Monday, January 09, 2023

Marry wisdom.


1. Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime.

2. A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.

3. Silence can never be misquoted.

4. If you want what no one ever had, you must do what no one ever did.

5. When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy someone, he puts a person in his life. 

6. It's better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person. 

7. Avoid a contentious woman. 

8. Three kinds of men to avoid:

              a. A hot tempered man.

              b. A womanizer.

              c. A drunkard.

9. Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.

10. Marry someone of similar religious beliefs.

11. Three words that echo peace in a marriage:

            a. I love you .

            b. I am sorry.

            c. Thank you.

12. Don't waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness. It won't last forever. Be happy and get busy with your life. 

13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure.

14. Masturbation is can affect your marriage negatively. 

15. Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.

16. If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who will bury your destiny.

17. Why you marry is as important as who you marry. 

18. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice. 

19. A man and women need wisdom in choosing who to marry. 

20. Do not place your priority on good looks; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.

May you not fail in Marriage...!❤️

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