Thursday, March 30, 2023

Heat wave 40 deg.

 We got a heat wave advisory.  Translated:


"HEAT WAVE"! now Summer

Let's prepare ourselves for very hot temperatures ranging from 40°-50°C. Always drink clean water, drink slowly...avoid drinking very cold water or lots of ice quickly.

"Heat wave" is now being experienced in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries in Asia.

What are the do's and don'ts?

1. Doctors say when the temperature reaches 40°C, don't immediately drink very cold water because our small blood vessels may burst or explode.

It is said that a friend of the Doctor came from outside on a very hot day..

entering inside the haws, wanting to cool down his feelings immediately, he immediately washed his feet with cold water...suddenly his vision blurred and he collapsed. An ambulance was immediately called and sent to the hospital.

2. When the heat reaches 38°C and you come from outside.. let's let our body warm up. Do not drink cold water.. you can drink hot or warm water but drink it slowly.

  Do not immediately wash your hands or feet, do not wash or wet the part exposed to the sun. Spend at least 30 minutes or half an hour before washing or showering.

3. There was an incident where a man who came from the heat to cool down immediately took a bath..

After taking a bath, his jaw became stiff and he was sent to the hospital. He had a stroke.


During the summer or if you are very tired, avoid drinking very cold water right away because it can cause narrowing or narrowing of the veins or blood vessels that will cause a stroke.

Teach it to children and your family, housemates, friends and co-workers. to be a warning to each other! Pls Forward to Everyone you know to share with others.

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