Thursday, July 20, 2023


 After the overwhelming and heartwarming responses to my previous post, I decided to try something. I booked some GrabFood and met the rider to hand over a bottle of water with a simple note saying “Thank you, kuya Grab. Stay hydrated and ride safe always.” Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, nothing to brag about, but a little gesture to say I see you, and I appreciate you. 

And just to be clear, I’m not posting this to take any credit; this is just a simple bottle of water after all. It’s a very little thing. Hardly something to gain clout. But imagine if we all did something little for those who have it quite hard. How much would that add up to? 

So I challenge the followers of this page to just do something small for your delivery riders and drivers. Anything. Could even be a just a handwritten note saying thank you or I appreciate you. Because it’s the gesture that means something, and after a while, those gestures grow into something awesome.

Doing big things is great. But you’ll find that the things that tend to have the biggest impact on people aren’t measured by the big things as much as the endless small things you do for each other each and every day that nobody else cares about. That’s where you make a real difference. 

Try it out and let me know.

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