Saturday, September 30, 2023


 Marriage is Time...✍🏾

Marriage must be a daily practice and a daily experience. How many hours in a day, and how many days in a week do you actually invest in your marriage or spend with your spouse? The sad reality is that most people spend the best of their time with other people, and doing things that add very little to no value to their marriages. We laugh with strangers and fight at home. We are courteous to strangers and disrespectful to our spouses. We spend more time building other people’s dreams while our marriages are breaking down. When will you prioritize your marriage? When will your spouse take center stage in your life? When will your family be the only item on your to-do list? Time is passing and you, your spouse, and your children are not getting any younger. Make the time and create memories with your spouse and children every day. Do not let a day pass without doing something special and thoughtful for or with your spouse. Do not keep waiting for some imaginary blissful day in the unknown future. Today is all you have. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Love your spouse like there is no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, wake up and do the same again.

Ctto: #thoughtsofjacktone

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