Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 Night Driving tips you need to know

1. Clean Your Windshield

 Dust that you might not notice during the day can build up on the inside, too, so it’s important to clean your windshield both inside and out.

2. Check Your Lights

Are your headlight and taillights in good working order? Are they aimed properly? What about your turn signals? 

3. Don’t Look Into the Light

Try not to look directly into the lights of oncoming traffic. 

4. Increase following Distance and Reduce Speed

 If you can’t stop within the illuminated area you’re too close! 

5. Be Seen on the Side

If you need to pull over, be sure you’re easily seen by other drivers. Carry reflective triangles, turn on your hazard lights.

6. Don’t be Distracted

Whether you’re texting, fiddling with the radio Taking your attention off the road is dangerous.  

7. Watch for Pedestrians

 Always take extra time to watch for pedestrians and cyclists

8. Don’t Drink and Drive 

Don’t put yourself or others at risk by driving under the influence. Use defensive driving techniques

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