Friday, October 13, 2023

Edukasyon ngayon.

 Education system must go back to basic. Selling canteens supplies is not in teaching syllabus. Teacher must focus in teaching method to gain best student not in method of those profitable process.

What's the use of canteen building if mostly the elementary student doesn't know how to use & what's the importance? As teachers being obligated for that matter.

Where are the janitors? Teacher & student mostly do the role in cleaning oftentimes supported by parents & officers.

Where are the school budget allocated for maintaining expenses from which PTA Officers have been abuse for soliciting fund for many matters to be well as the teachers during Brigada Eskwela.

Education of today compares to yesterday bears much number of achievers with good moral character being mold with christian teaching & discipline.

Yesterdays without any technology equipment compares to technically equipped school facilities of today.

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