Friday, November 17, 2023

Letters to believers


Yesterday, I preached about God being our Father to more than a hundred students in our town, and our worship hall was filled with loud cries during the ministerial moment.

I sense the deep pain of every one from their parents- different pains that just piled up until they couldn't dare to speak up anymore, I asked them to write it down so they can process and release all of it.

But it's just one thing to release and get healed in the church and another to release and get healed in the household.

As a minister who talks to countless students every week, I would usually challenge our students to step out in faith and start building better relationships with their parents for that honors God.

But yesterday, I was having a hard time sleeping after this service, for God has been asking me to write not for the students but for the parents.

I don't know how to raise a child, I am just someone who cares for the heart of God in the next generation, but because God asked me then let me humbly do it.

I understand how difficult it is to handle teenagers, their selfishness, inconsistency, immaturity and insensitivity is indeed irritating, but if we are not going to be patient with them then they will just grow up like that.

So to all parents out there who might be able to read this, I pray that you will also have a heart like God in parenting your child.

- May you be the one who initiates conversation just like how God does it everyday.

- May you be able to speak the right words and do the right actions when you are trying to discipline them.

- May you be an example so they can grow up with an image of how they should live.

- May you point them to God so they will understand that there is a perfect Parent who would fill the gaps of your parenting.

I pray that this humble letter helps you to start making small steps in restoring your parents and children's relationship in your home.

And to the students who might read this, please be patient with your parents as well, some of them never had the chance to process all their pain back in their childhood and teenager days, and that could be the reason why they do what they do.

But regardless of all the imperfections in our families, remember that we have a Father in heaven who is perfect in all of His ways, you can always count on Him everyday.

My prayer for the parents and children goes with this letter. God is not finished with each generation yet. πŸ™Œ

He is indeed in the business of restoring lives 


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