Thursday, March 14, 2024

House bill 1987.

 Yes, they released him. But not after jailing him unnecessarily. Imagine if this didn’t have the public attention that it has now. Imagine the thousands of times this happens to people who don’t have the money, power, influence or media attention to get released? 

It’s time to update or abolish this senseless law, or hold authorities accountable for the incorrect enforcement of it. Whatever the reason is, bottom line is: stop jailing innocent people over the stupidity and recklessness of others. That’s it. Make people accountable for their own actions. 

Currently there is House Bill No. 1987 or the proposed “Philippine Responsible Driving and Accountability Act” that has been gathering dust for the last 5 years. The bill states that the driver of a vehicle is not automatically presumed at fault for an accident and jailed for reckless imprudence resulting in homicide or injury simply because he was in the bigger vehicle or was less injured—but it needs your help to get resurrected. 

If you are sick of living under the tyranny of stupidity, where kamotes rule the road and you could be jailed because a one of them decides to ride drunk and counterflow on the skyway, then make enough noise to get out legislators to revisit this. 

Show your support in the comments box and I’ll do my best to get the help of a lawmaker that has the balls to do something about it.

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