Thursday, April 11, 2024

Lead with care.

 I went to a local bank today and was disheartened to see the bank’s cleaner having lunch in what looked like a cramped storage room in a 35 degrees Celcius Manila heat.

If you were the branch head, manager, personal banking officer, or teller, would you want to have lunch in that room?

If you’re a parent, can you imagine seeing your grownup child having lunch there? Or can you imagine your 50-year-old parent having lunch there?

It breaks my heart to see stark contrasts with how people in organizations are treated depending on their career status and salary grade.

It takes a #fearlessleader to dare to CARE about the plight of every member of his/her team.

It takes a fearless leader to make the people in the organization feel safe and seen, including the often unseen members of the organization like the cleaners, guards, and janitors.

A fearless leader focuses on caring for others, while a fearful or weak leader prioritizes self-preservation.

Do you have a #FearlessLeader in your organization?

If you’re a leader, are you fearless enough to be caring and compassionate?

P.S. I’m curious. Is it a norm for banks to not have a decent pantry for their cleaners to take their lunch? What’s your take on this?

#LeadwithCARE #leadwithcompassion

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