Saturday, July 06, 2024

To loved

 ðŸŠž 𝐓ðĻ 𝐛𝐞 ðĨðĻðŊ𝐞𝐝 ðĒ𝐎 𝐭ðĻ 𝐛𝐞 𝐎𝐭ðŪ𝐝ðĒ𝐞𝐝 ðŸĶĒ

To love is to understand, and to understand, you have to study your partner. To love is to know how that person feels loved. It's like knowing the language that person speaks so they don't always feel the need to explain because you already understand it.

To love is to know your partner's weakness and not perceive it as a flaw. To love is to understand your partner's fears to protect them and not put them in traumatizing situations just like what their exes did. To love is to comprehend your partner's needs, wants, ambitions, dreams, and goals inside and outside of the relationship. And to love is to pay close attention to your partner's details, yet people often overlook the simple things, not realizing that they are what truly matter. 

Perhaps saying 'good morning' is a big deal for your partner, as it means that he/she becomes the first person on your mind when you woke up. That maybe your partner may ask if you love them, not out of doubt, but to hear those three magical words, knowing it comes from you. These are the simple details that brings joy to your partner, that you may not know.

So if you feel loved, I hope you also feel studied, not just about your favorites but also about the things that excite you, that make you feel alive, and even the things that you don't talk about. It's like being known for the first time, but this time, it's not you who tells—it's them who notice.

And if you give love, love well.

always, emma hepburn ðŸŒļ🎀

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