Friday, August 23, 2024

Utang na loob.

 What are your thoughts on Utang ng Loob ?

We give without expecting anything in return - because the premise is - you are abundant that's why we are able to give ! 

And yet sometimes you are surprised at the gesture that it comes back to you. 

We reciprocate. They say this is VERY FILIPINO

And the chain of reciprocity never ends. 

However , my belief is UTANG NG LOOB -rooted on GRATEFULNESS is magnanimous !

We have Utang Loob so we are generous not just towards the one kind to you but to many .  

Kindness becomes our language and yes we strive to be better and better and love overflows

Kanino ka May UTANG NG LOOB ? 

Say a prayer for those who paved the way for us to be the person that we are … ( and yeah , I am at that point where I am praying for the one hurt me too)

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