Monday, April 22, 2019

Earthquake April 22, 2019 Intensity 6.1 epicenter at zambales.

Experience earthquake April 22, 2019 at around 5:11 pm epicenter at zambales.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Never Get Tired Of Learning

Never Get Tired Of Learning

If you want to become successful
at anything you want to do,

whether you want to become:

a business owner
an inspirational public speaker
an email marketer
a virtual assistant
a freelancer
a president of a company

You have to understand that there’s
always competition out there.

There will be people who will want to
become better at what you do.

So if you’re employed, some other person
might just take your place if he can do 
your job better than you.

If you’re a business owner, another 
business owner with the same concept
as yours can dominate your market
and put you out of business.

I read

I read an article that made me feel old. I mean really old.

The article was about how parents can no longer take a passive role in teaching their children about finances.

When I was a kid, the only way I would get money was by figuring out how to make some. Having a paper route was the most common way for me and my friends to earn money. It was very rare when my parents would give me enough to buy a comic book.

Now? Kids are spending boatloads of their parent’s money purchasing in-game apps on their phone. I hardly know how to send a text message, let alone buy something in a game on my phone. If I did buy something, is it to my doorstep? I really don’t get it.

Regardless, the article went on to explain how our court system required Amazon to return over $70 million worth of app purchases made by kids.

That’s a lot of whatever…

bought by kids…

on their phones.

I’m not against kids buying anything as long as their parents approve. However, I’m curious how much they’re really learning about money with these purchases.

I learned about money by playing Monopoly® with my best friend and his dad, my rich dad. In fact, that’s one of the reasons my wife and I created our board game CASHFLOW 101®, and later CASHFLOW for Kids.

I know everything is made for computers and phones and all that, but we still get positive feedback from families who take a little time every few weeks to play one of our “analog” board games.

If you want a break from the craziness that you find on your phone, I encourage you to grab a copy of CASHFLOW the Board Game or CASHFLOW for Kids.

We developed them to help everyone gain a better understanding of how personal finances work.

Ask yourself

As you head into the weekend, I want you to question one thing: everything.

Every headline you read in your news feed… every subject line in your inbox… every “alert” flashing along the bottom of your TV screen… question everything that crosses your path and ask yourself, “Is it real… or is it fake?”

Ask yourself who’s spending money to develop it and promote it… and why.

Who stands to make money by creating the news article? Who stands to profit from you opening that email? Who benefits from the “This just in…” news story?

Most stuff advertised is complete garbage. A worldwide conglomerate selling you products you don’t need for ailments you don’t have.

Instead of filling your head with nonsense, I challenge you to spend one hour—just one hour—during this 60-hour weekend, to read, watch, or listen to something that will educate you about your finances.

It doesn’t have to be anything I promote.

But, if you need a kickstart, think about this: If there’s one thing that separates the rich from the poor, what is it?
To creating your opportunity,

Thursday, April 18, 2019



Conching Cardona -  April 7, 2019
Rody Celestino - April 13, 2019
Hadrin Barrera - April 17, 2019

A Wrong Belief That Almost Killed My Business

True or False?


Money is what you need to grow your business

I also thought that money is the solution to all my business problems. That kind of thinking? That was why we almost drowned in millions of pesos of utang.

You see, in business, and even in your own life, the lack of money is not the problem. It is just a symptom.

That is why having more money is not the solution. In fact, having more money becomes the poison that will kill your business faster.

What were my real problems?

Low sales, high expenses.

Why low sales?
  1. I was too busy to sell.
  2. My employees could not sell.
  3. I bought stuff that were not sellable.
There were many reasons.
Why high expenses?
Again many reasons, like…
  1. no budgeting
  2. borrowing too much, and
  3. paying exorbitant interest rates, etc.

Do you have problems with money?

Look at your sales and your expenses and determine the real problem. You will find that the problem is either you and/or your people.
Again, lack of cash is just a symptom. You’ve got to dig deeper.  Go for the root causes.
And, borrowing more without removing the root causes will kill your business, even faster.

The solution?


And remember, Grow Your People to Grow Your Business.

Please let me know what problems you’re having right now in your business.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply, fely. I really appreciate YOU for being part of this community.

️Love always,
Your Negosyo Mom

Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

Thursday, April 04, 2019

The Secret of Millionaire's Mind.

Principle #1
Don’t complain, condemn or criticize.

Simple logic.

Nobody wants to hear complains for the things that happens in the past. People want to hear HOW or WHAT you did to solve it.

Same teaching from T Harv Eker.

Rich people believe in “I create my life”
Poor people believe that “Life happens to me”.

Complaining is the worst thing that you can do to yourself especially to your health.

Because what you focus on expands.

What’s the word? Focus.

Now tell me, when you are complaining, what do you focus on?
What’s right with your life or what’s wrong with your life?

You focus on what’s wrong with your life.
And because what you focus on expands, what do you get? You’re gonna get more of whats wrong with your life.

And people will justify.
“Of course I complain! Look how crappy our government is!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr”

Read the reason in his book!
The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind