Saturday, September 07, 2019

Artery to get scarred.

Primarily, there are three things that cause the artery to get
scarred. And its when the artery is scarred that the cholesterol begins
the attaching process, and that's how you get arteriosclerosis and
heart disease.

1. Chlorinated water. Chlorine in the water that you drink and shower
and bathe in or swim in causes massive scarring of the arteries,
which in turn means, no matter how much cholesterol you have
or don't have, whatever cholesterol is there will attach itself and
begin the clogging process.

2. Hydrogenated oils or trans fats. As you look at virtually 90 percent
of the food produced in boxes, if you were to actually read
the label you'd see the words "hydrogenated oil" or "partially
hydrogenated oil." These are trans fats. Margarine, for example, is
hydrogenated oil. These trans fats scar the arteries, causing heart
disease and arteriosclerosis.

3. Homogenized dairy products. People say, "Well I drink low fat
milk or low fat yogurt." The fat has nothing to do with it. You
are being scammed, you are being lied to, you are being misled.
It's not the fat that is the problem. Keep in mind that when they
make a low fat product, it's not a natural product, it's man-made.
When dairy products are homogenized it turns the dairy products
into a lethal man-made product that causes scaring of the arteries.
Homogenized dairy products, whether they are yogurt, milk, or
cheese, are all deadly. It is not the fat that is the problem in dairy,
it's the homogenization process.

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