Saturday, September 07, 2019

These are the three major causes of arteriosclerosis.

These are the three major causes of arteriosclerosis.

Now let's get back to water. The reason I brought up the whole
issue about cholesterol and arteriosclerosis is that tap water has
chlorine in it. One reason why heart disease is so prevalent today
is because people drink tap water, bathe in tap water, shower in tap
water, or swim in chlorinated pools. As I mentioned above, this is one
of the major causes of scaring of the arteries which lead to clogged
arteries, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease. But it's not just the water.
Chlorine is used in the processing of many fruits and vegetables. It is
also put in the water that is used in the irrigation of fruits and vegetables.

The chlorine is a major problem. Again, I'm pointing this out
to you just so you can see how all encompassing the problem is. So
consider this: our water supply is loaded with toxins. These toxins are
getting into our bodies by:

• Drinking the water
• Eating or drinking anything made with water
94 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
• Eating any food that was grown with the water
• Eating any meat, poultry, fish or dairy where the animal drank
• Showering, bathing or swimming in water

Since our skin is the largest organ in the body, it has been reported
that we absorb more toxins by taking one shower than by drinking
five glasses of water. In a shower, not only is the water with all the
toxins being absorbed through the skin, many of the most volatile and
dangerous toxins are turned into a gas created by the steam. These
toxic fumes in your shower are then inhaled. A shower is practically
a gas chamber filled with poisonous gas chemicals. Steam rooms, hot
tubs and swimming pools are places where you will absorb the highest
levels of toxins. The paradox is we think of these particular areas as
being the healthiest.

The poisoned water supply is another significant factor relating to
how toxins get into our body. By now it won't surprise you to learn how
we are being misled by the news media and government agencies about
the purity and safety of our water supply. Remember that chlorine and
fluoride are the two main poisons that are in our water supply and are
the reason our water is so unhealthy. Yet, the government and news
media rates the quality of our water based on the amount of chlorine
and fluoride in it! The more chlorine and fluoride in the water the
healthier it is, claims the government! They even say that tap water is
better than spring water because tap water has chlorine and fluoride in
it and spring water does not. This is yet another way you are being lied
to, deceived and brainwashed into thinking that chemicals are better
than something in a natural state.

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