Saturday, July 31, 2021

07312021 Landers adventure.

 7K grocery

272.86 take out pizza steak and fries.

318.00 stek and pizza.

16 Engineering advise.

 16 ADVICE for Engineering Students and Young Engineers

1)  Learn fundamentals and engineering principles. Figure out how you may apply them in real-life. I knew a lot of young engineers who are good in solving engineering problems that requires equations and formulas but does not have an idea on how it may apply to real-world problems.

Engineering economy is a good example. Try to use what you have learned at school in real life. Your basic duty is to 'learn as much as you could and use what you have learned.'

Study hard and learn as much as you could. Being a student provides you an excellent avenue to learn more because you are full-time working with it.

Nowadays, a lot of working professionals do not have much liberty to learn new things because of ‘time’ and by being ‘busy at work’. We are currently in the ‘era of technology’ and every few years it progresses ‘very’ rapidly; thus, engineers should embrace change and be adaptive to this technological progress. 

2) Try to expand your ‘learnings’ on every subject, especially on professional subjects. If for example, the subject covers only chapters 1-25 of the reference book in the syllabus, but the book, however, has still more than 30 chapters.

Do your best to learn from the material as much as you could. Self-study the material and try to learn anything from it. You can ask mentors for some help. Do not just read the book, do learn from it. This is the real purpose of authors.

Great Engineers like O. Heaviside, M. Faraday, and N. Tesla have no formal education, they are purely ‘self-taught’ engineers coupled with focus, commitment, and sheer-will. They are often dubbed as an ‘Engineer’s Engineer.’

In a real-world, engineers in the field are often best-learned through ‘learning-by-doing or self-studying.’ Self-study is something that does not come easy but lasts longer. Isaac Newton did most of his work through ‘self-study’; thus, his monumental book ‘principia’ was born. Albert Einstein did also the same thing while working with the theory of relativity, and so Erwin Schrodinger as well. 

3) Learn 'by-heart' the fundamentals. Fundamental theories are important for engineers. Wiring designs, skin effect, short circuit analysis, transfer function, algorithms, among others. Remember 'when the mind forgets, the heart cannot.' So, learn ‘by-heart.’ 

4) The real purpose of education is ‘to enhance or to improve a version of you'. A good education ‘alters a version of you’. Just like a chess player, he can improve his chess skills through practicing, mentoring, studying, etc. Do remember that ‘the only best education you can get is the education that you can give to yourself.’

5) If you are good on a particular subject and someone (a classmate for example) asks for your help; Aid him and teach him properly, not by lending answers to the problem but through teaching him on how you arrived with your answers. Help him understand the topic and he will be grateful to you. As the saying goes 'give a man fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.' 

There are some unexpected cases where the person whom you help way back in college, turns out to be a manager of a certain company and a client of your project. You will never know how things may ‘turn tides’ in the future.

6) Practice your communication skills. They are often ignored but these skill sets are the most important for engineers. I knew a lot of engineers who are good in solving engineering problems but are oftentimes cannot expressed their ideas properly. 

7) Enhance your interpersonal skills and learn to work as a team; be a responsible and mature individual. In a real-world project, engineers do not work in isolation, they work as a team.Just like in a basketball or in a football game, members need to work as a team to win a championship.

Professionalism is also an important factor for engineers. Show up, be on time, and dress properly. When you are given a task, commit with the task, and finish it properly. Do not abandon ship. Outstanding engineers deliver their work with quality and in time.  

8) Success is really nothing but a ‘summation’ of constant practice, working sleepless nights, facing your own doubts and criticisms of others, fixed tenacity, and kept on trying after so many times of failures. It is indeed through failures that we succeed because we learned from it. Best lessons in life usually come through failures.

For young engineers, I advise to ‘take a risk’ or lose your chance. I still remember when I watched a movie entitled ‘Bar Boys’ where a Law professor once said, ‘the purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things.’ 

9) Being engineer, a field or industry experience are of utmost importance, a practical experience is something that book can never teach you, it is through experience that an engineer is highly valuable.

 For an engineering professor aspirant, I suggest gaining some years of field or industry experience before teaching in academe. Learn also to network with other engineers.

10) Pursuing graduate studies in engineering is a good investment to rebuild your relevant skills. Last January 2021, I have a webinar talk with IECEP Soccsksargen Chapter. I have discussed several important points for engineers who wish to pursue a graduate school in engineering. This can be accessed through a YouTube link: (

11) As an engineer, 'safety engineering' is one of the most important subjects. Always practice ‘safety’ whether at work or at home. It is an important duty of every engineer, whether you are a civil, electronics, architect, mechanical, electrical, chemical, sanitary, industrial, metallurgical, plumber, computer, etc.

 In every work and projects, ‘safety’ should be a top concern. Many lives and properties have been damaged and lost due to negligence of safety. 

12) Have an advocacy to help our environment by doing simple things like disposing your garbage properly, plant trees or backyard gardening, maintain cleanliness to our rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, etc. Environmental degradation, global warming, climate change, among others are eminent problems nowadays.

 What’s the use of being a ‘success’ if the environment around you is destroyed? There are a lot of simple things we can do to take care our environment. Have an advocacy to volunteer, there are organizations from different sectors that needs our help.

13) Teach younger generations on what you know and how to do things correctly and properly. They may keep these things in mind as they grow older and pass it to next generations. This is your legacy as an engineer.

14) Do not hurry with your dreams in life, all will take place on its proper time. In GOD’s own time. We all have our own timelines and our own crosses to carry; hence, be patient and stay calm.

 Just do what you need to do and finish what you need to finish, one step at a time. Remember patience and perseverance are priceless.

15) Be humble and keep practicing humility. Humble people earn more respect. Personally, I admire people who are down-to-earth, low profile, and who works in silence. So as the saying goes ‘stay humble, work hard, and be kind.’

16) And lastly, whether you succeed or fail in life, always acknowledge the Lord. Be thankful always and ask for guidance, wisdom, and strength. You will never know how the future may ‘turn tides’ to you. Remember the story of Job in the Old Testament.

- Engr. Angelo Beltran

Electric motor

 An electric motor does the opposite of an electric generator. Instead of turning mechanical energy into electricity, an electric motor takes electricity and converts it into mechanical energy. ... Although electric motors can be piezoelectric, electrostatic, or magnetic, the vast majority of modern motors use magnets

Never stay.

 The Story of Father and Daughter

A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. 

It is a bit older now but before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them you want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it. 

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because they said it looks pretty worn out.” 

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.” 

The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it’s a Holden Torana and it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors” 

Now the father said this to his daughter, “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.


Friday, July 30, 2021

Ganda's 1st Salary 07292021

 Congratulations my daughter for your 1st Salary July 29, 2021.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Bless the broken road.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago

Hoping I would find true love along the broken road

But I got lost a time or two

Wiped my brow and kept pushing through

I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

That every long lost dream led me to where you are

Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars

Pointing me on my way into your loving arms

This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road

That led me straight to you 🎸🎶💖



Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life.  Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. - That is the attitude!


 The wise Solomon says: "For everything, there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest....." Life is a mixture of triumphs and tragedies. Sunshine and storms. 

Somebody says this beautifully: "Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a lot, and are thankful for everything you've got."  #PassionPurposeProductivity


 Keep on top of Covid-19

1. The Covid virus can enter your body through the eyes, nose and mouth.

2. Since the virus is present in saliva and mucus, wearing a face mask and keeping a distance of 1 meter from other people can help protect you from it.

- The virus can enter your eyes when you touch or rub them with your contaminated hand.

3. Eating

- Eat separately. Do not share food.

- Eat cooked food from a container with a lid to prevent contamination. The virus cannot survive heat. Avoid raw or undercooked food.

If it’s impossible to avoid, make sure to wash it well. 

- Drink bottled water. Clean the bottle with an alcohol spray or dishwashing liquid. Avoid using a vending machine, sharing an ice bucket or dipping sauce.

- When drinking from a can or a straw, clean the lid or the area where the straw is inserted. 

- Do not share a cigarette or a straw.

4. disinfection

- Wash hands after touching items used by many people such as money, doors, stair railings, lift buttons, ATM machines and taps.

- You may spray alcohol on your hands and those items before touching them to reduce the virus load.

- The virus can be killed in at least 30 seconds, with things that can remove fat such as soap, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent.

- Alcohol: The virus is killed when alcohol evaporates. Spray alcohol throughout the area you want to disinfect. An alcohol spray can be used on objects but it can also go bad and is flammable.

- The virus will die instantly in boiling water (100 degrees Celsius) and in 30 minutes in the 60 Celsius water.

- Washing vegetables.

: Soak vegetables in four liters of water to one tablespoon of vinegar, or ten liters of water to half a tablespoon of baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) for 15 minutes. 

: Rinse in running water for two minutes. Spread the leaves of vegetables properly. Do not soak because the virus can still remain.

5. Touching door knobs or handles

- Wash your hands every time.

- If you use your elbow or back to open a door, beware that the virus can linger on clothing.

- (if possible) Spray alcohol before and after touching a door.

- Keep doors open if that doesn’t cause problems. Refrain from touching your hands.

6. Avoid the rain.

- The virus can survive longer when it rains and gets colder. Wind can also carry the virus further.

- Shut doors and windows. Be careful of drizzle.

- If you get wet from the rain, brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash to prevent the virus from sticking in the respiratory tract.

7. Managing environments

- The virus likes cold weather. It is recommended to allow sunlight in the room.

- The virus can survive for three days in normal weather, not cold or humid.

Hot better than cold

Dry better than humid

-  Using the air conditioner

: Don’t set it too cold.

: Turn down the fan speed.

: Avoid the swing mode or getting the wind directly as it might trigger coughing.

: Clean filters and condensers regularly.

: Open windows for ventilation /let the sunlight in (if possible) from time to time. 

: For a large air-conditioning system, avoid standing where the air gets in and out of the AHU. We don’t know which part of the building the air comes from.

- Avoid small spaces and where the air blows strongly because the virus can travel more than one meter.

- Everyday items

: Use easy-to-clean, flat-surface products such as plastic, metal and polyurethane. Avoid products that are difficult to clean like animal hides, carpets, velvets and wools. 

: Before sitting at a table, spray alcohol on the table and chair (if possible).

: For events in which a lot of people join, transparent screens or face shields should be available to prevent the virus from sticking on hair, face and clothing.

: Garbage bin: use one that can be disposed of without hand touch.

: Chairs: use one made from flat-surface materials and easy to clean. Place seating to promote social distancing.

: Glasses: personal items that are close to the eyes. Wash with dishwashing liquid and clean if dropped on the floor.

- Product samples.

: Clean regularly because they can be touched by a lot of people.

: Avoid or refrain from trying products used on the eyes, face and lips such as lipsticks and cosmetics. If you can’t avoid that, use one that is handed out individually. 

: Avoid tasting food that is left for tasting because of the risk of contamination.

- Mobile phone.

: Pay special attention to usage of a mobile phone as you frequently touch it.

: Be careful not to leave it on a table, a chair, or things that people touch a lot.

: Always be mindful that it is a place where germs can accumulate. People often use their mobile phone and touch their eyes.

- Place of worship : Pay attention to the place where people bow to pay respect, and the spot which people touch with their hands or face.

- Medical procedures that cause dust: Use a suction bulb. Don’t blow from your mouth.

- Restaurants

: Screen workers. If they have fever, sore throat, mucus or are at risk of being infected, make sure to have them tested and treated. Otherwise, they will become a spreader.

- Payment methods : avoid touching cash.

: QR code, transfer = no touch

: Credit card : Sanitize the hands with alcohol spray after using the card.

: Cash : clean the hands after using cash.

: If cash is the only option.

- Separate the service staff and cash-handling staff.

- If unable to separate, sanitize hands after handling cash.

- Using a toilet.

: Avoid brushing your teeth or washing your face in a public toilet because it is where people spit out mucus, phlegm and saliva.

: Objects people touch a lot : wash basin, tap, door, cesspool, flush button. Spray alcohol on these objects before (if possible) and after using them.

- A wash basin.

: Separate the wash basin for washing your face or dishes from the one for washing hands.

- Floor : Germs can linger on the floor as when people cough, germs will fall on the floor or get on shoes. Avoid leaving personal items on the floor. Take off shoes before entering your house.

- Pets

: Pets are not direct carriers but the virus may come with their hairs, feet, and whiskers. (Like when we enter the house without taking off our shoes.) It is recommended to keep the pets in an allocated space inside and outside of the house. If you take them for a walk, make sure to clean their paws and hairs when you come back.

- Travel

: Plan your trip : avoid peak time or the last trip of the day.

: Motorcycle Taxis : When riding, try not to sit too close to the rider. (If possible) It is recommended for the rider to sanitize contact points from time to time.

8. Clothing

- Do laundry as soon as you come home.

- If you meet a lot of people at work or are exposed to risks, wash work clothes and the ones you wear at home separately.

- If you hang your clothes to dry, collect them before it rains. Clean the rails and hangers when the rain stops.

- Wear simple clothes that have a flat surface and are easy to clean. Avoid uneven surfaces or materials as germs can linger there.

9. Dangers of Covid-19

- It spreads easily as 80% of infected people who have mild symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, rash) are asymptomatic.

- Highly vulnerable groups are people aged over 65 who have serious diseases and with uncontrollable symptoms.

*If you stay with the elderly, keep distance and avoid sharing food, a bedroom and a toilet with them. For a toilet, if you can’t separate it, let the elderly use it first. Sanitize with alcohol or clean with disinfectants after using a toilet.

- You may not get infected with the Covid-19 virus even though you are exposed to it. Chance of infection depends on the virus load and immunity of each person. Vulnerable groups are people with low immunity such as people aged over 65 who have serious diseases and with uncontrollable symptoms.

- Taking temperature

:  Methods of taking temperature for medical purposes are oral (under the tongue, in the ear, under the armpit and in the rectum. But the downside is it takes a long time and it needs an expert to do it.

: Measuring temperature on the hand or the forehead takes shorter time and works with most people. But accuracy is low. Those who use this method and don’t have a high temperature, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have the virus.

- Symptoms

: Covid is a virus. It can cause various symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, nasal mucus, rash and upset stomach. But these are common symptoms many viruses share.   

***So it’s not necessary that the person is infected with the Covid virus if he or she shows those symptoms.***

: A swab test is the only method for diagnosing Covid infection. It is diagnosed from symptoms.

: Indications for swabbing a nose.

- Swab the person who comes into contact with an infected person and has symptoms.

- Swab on the fifth day.

: If there is no symptom, count from the day the person meets the patient..

: If there are symptoms, count from the first day the person shows symptoms.

Common problems.

- The first test is negative but the second one is positive. It might happen because swabbing is done before five days. 

10.  Risks of infection.

- People are at risk of infection if they...

: don’t wear face masks.

: get close to the infected person, share food, are in the same room, closely face each other.

: touch their eyes or eat food using the contaminated hand.

Aspects of assessment.

- Self

- Environment

Example Mr. A

- Self: remove a mask, not leave a 1m distance, not wash hands after touching things a lot of people touch, share food with others.

- Environment: Walk in the rain, go to crowded and small places like a boxing arena, a cock-fighting venue.

Mr A is exposed to the risk.

Note: Walking past, catching eyes, looking in the face, passing by the place where an infected person used to be but not having risky behaviors are not considered at risk.

11. Incubation period.

- Most people show symptoms within five days after being exposed  .

- Most cases will recover within seven days.

: In the asymptomatic case, since the day being exposed.

: In the symptomatic case, since the first day that has symptoms.

- Infectious period: 10 days

: In the asymptomatic case, since the day being exposed.

: In the symptomatic case, since the first day that has symptoms.

- The virus can be detected within 50 days. But one study says after 11 days, it is often fragments of genetic materials.

12. Mindful and not careless.

- Though the spread is contained, you cannot be careless.

- If the spread is uncontrollable, you have more reasons not to be careless.

- Stay on guard even though there are vaccines.

- Keep your guard up when there is no vaccine.

- Be careful while crossing the road.

Following the news

: Get the news and information from official sources such as the Health Ministry, Department of Disease Control and medical schools.

: Check if the news comes from an original source.

: Get and share the news that is true and useful in a timely manner.

If unsure whether the news is true, check with experts. Do not share the information yet

: Stick with moderation

- Too much confidence and becoming careless is not good.

- Being worried so much that you become suffering and affect others is not good.

: Causes and effects.

Fire gives rise to smoke. There’s a reason for everything.

Risky behavior means a higher chance of infection.

No risky behavior means safety.

: A picture in the news that show a person collapses

ใIn a day, there might be a person who faints and dies. During a pandemic, the authorities will disinfect the area.

Fainting to death has many causes.

The picture of a person falling to death and the authorities disinfect the spot doesn’t mean that the person dies from Covid-19

: Looking into the percentage of the population will give the big picture. Don’t be careless or too panicked.

For example, 10 infected people out of 100 people (10%) is more frightening than 10 infected out of 1,000 people (1%)

The same 10 people but the percentage is different. So the threat is different.

How to calculate the percentage = (Number of infected people / population) x100

Example: District A has five infected people out of 5,000 people. 

The percentage of the infected people = (5/5000)x100 = 0.1%

A coin has two sides.

Example: Suppose there's news about accidents during holiday, saying five people per 10,000 travelers have accidents.

That means for every 10,000 people who travel, five have accidents.

So there are 10,000 - 5 = 99,995 people who don’t have accidents.

And the ratio is (5/10,000)x100 = 0.05%

: Vaccination

- Covid vaccines work similarly to Flu vaccines, that is mitigating severity..

Low viral loads => Not infected.

Severe symptoms  => mild symptoms

: Reduce the spread of the virus.

- Those who are hesitant about vaccines can consult their doctors further.

13. Professional cleaners 

: Educate them about the pandemic.

: Gloves only protect those who wear them.

: When cleaning, avoid blowing as it might cause the virus to spread in the air.

: Spraying is better than wiping because wiping still involves touching surfaces.

Cleaners play an important role behind the door in preventing the outbreak because they handle drinks and food directly, while everyone in the society is in the frontline. 

14. Solve problems the right way.

: When the bubonic plague hit, a number of people were killed.

When rat fleas are found to be the cause, cleaning thoroughly and keeping the lid on the waste bin can help control the spread.

:  I heard a report that at a construction site, there were ten workers who suffer from diarrhea everyday. After investigation, it is found that the ill and the healthy people shared the same bathroom and they washed dishes without using a detergent. 

It is recommended to use dishwashing liquid and separate personal kits and bathrooms for sick people and healthy people.

I heard that no workers fall sick now.

So they solved problems the right way and it worked.

Note: this article is compiled from medical studies and written in a way that common  people can easily understand and follow. However, it may not be useful for some people or in certain environments and situations. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Normal Chest Xray.

 Gabay sa Kalusugan Tips

Yan po ang chest xray result na tinatawag na hyperaerated lungs. Kadalasan nakikita sa may hika, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - chronic bronchitis; emphysema at iba pang sakit sa baga. Nangyayari yan dahil sa sobrang hangin na naiiwan sa baga (over-inflate) sa kada pagbuga ng hininga (air gets trapped in the lungs and causes them to overinflat). Kapansin pansin na malaki ang pagitan ng bawat ribs sa hyperaerated lungs kaysa normal.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Para sa Kabataan.


By Maria Lourdes Sereno 

June 12, 2021

I see a river whose waters lead to the city of God

They say it makes glad this city

Beloved of God, men and women

Who for some reason, some sad unfortunate reason

Forgot He who loved them first

These are the brave ones

Asking questions of beloved Pilipinas

Saan na tayo patungo?

Meron pa bang bukas

Kung sadlak sa hirap at dahas?

And yet they ask, for in their hearts

Hope springs

Not for them the sarcasm of the smart

Nor the tricks of the flattering tongue

But the sting of antiseptic truth

Hurt they must, in asking

Yet they will not flinch

For they must know what lies ahead

What went before

All these dread things

So gingerly they dip a toe or two

Not knowing whether this river

Tis of the mighty Jordan or some other

Generic raging waters that sweep away 

Men, memories and time

But these brave youth

Will not flinch for theirs is the future

Tis what they feel, tis what their heart tells them

To own, not hide from 

Whatever truth brings

Then plunge they a calf, half a calf

Till all their nakedness is plunged 

Into the river Jordan

Pain, ache, cold, shivers, wound

Washed away, washed away

Till what remains is the unseen

The life that counts for worth, that lasts

Not in the I, but in the we

Not in shame or guilt but in love

Washing over everything that seems wrong

The river is glad for it is made of blood

Of the purest form

Shed to make whole what was broken

To pick up shards of broken dreams

And create new prisms of light and beauty

It shouts forth joy and in its depth is peace

This river of boundless love

Offering once again itself

To make all life renewed

In Inang Pilipinas

Monday, July 19, 2021


 Sinusitis: Understanding the 4 Underlying Causes

The viruses responsible for the common cold create an infection that causes the lining of your sinuses to swell and inflame. 

Though sinuses are normally air-filled, the swelling traps fluid, creating that plugged and achy feeling as well as the seemingly endless supply of mucus that makes you  burn through boxes of tissue. It’s a condition called sinusitis. 

A cold isn’t the only reason you experience sinus infections, though. When the symptoms are continuing beyond ten days, it is more likely that bacteria have gotten a foothold and an antibiotic may be necessary to clear it. Sinusitis becomes chronic when symptoms last longer than 12 weeks. Chronic sinusitis is more likely related to a structural problem or scarring of the sinus lining so the sinus can’t clear itself.

When your sinusitis has other causes besides cold viruses, your ENT doctors can pinpoint the reason and recommend treatment options that have you breathing freely. 

The underlying causes of sinusitis

Mucus is a normal part of your respiratory function, and it’s produced by the tissue lining your nasal cavities. Normally, mucus coats the surfaces of your nasal passages and assists in warming and moisturizing the air you breathe in while also trapping allergens, pathogens, and debris. 

When the sinus lining becomes inflamed during a sinusitis infection, mucus is over-produced while the inflammation itself physically restricts the sinuses from draining. The most common symptoms are: 

A plugged and runny nose

Postnasal drip, when mucus flows internally down to the back of the throat

Throat irritation that may cause swallowing problems

Facial tenderness, pain, or headache


Toothaches to upper back teeth

Reduced sense of taste and smell

Though these are all symptoms you might associate with a cold, they occur even when you have sinusitis for non-viral reasons. There are four causes most commonly behind sinusitis symptoms. 

Cold viruses

As we’ve seen, colds and sinusitis are closely connected. Technically, sinusitis is a symptom of a cold, but sinusitis can persist even after the cold virus is no longer active. 

Inflamed and clogged sinuses also provide a safe haven for bacteria. Your sinusitis may start due to a virus and then continue with a bacterial infection. Most people experience sinusitis, though, in conjunction with a cold. 

Allergic reactions

When you have allergies that produce respiratory reactions, your sinuses could become irritated, and sinusitis may develop for the same reasons as with viral or bacterial infections. Again, allergies could start the sinusitis, and another infection might take over. 

Deviated septum

The septum, the piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils, is often not symmetrical. One side is smaller than the other, whether from a congenital defect or as a result of injury. This condition, called a deviated septum, may interfere with normal sinus drainage. 

Nasal polyps

Soft, fleshy growths that can grow on the walls of your nasal passages, polyps aren’t a problem themselves, but like a deviated septum, they can interfere with airflow and sinus drainage. Any restriction to mucus flow can set off the series of events leading to sinusitis. 

If sinusitis persists after a cold or arises for any other reason. You can reach the nearest ENT doctor to arrange your examination. He can help you with your sinus issues, regardless of their cause. 


Saturday, July 17, 2021


 MOMENTS by Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD

The story is told about a heavy smoker who finally ended up smoking just six sticks of cigarettes a day. Why? Because, he said, “God rested on the seventh day, so, after six sticks, it’s time for me to give my lips and my lungs some rest! Ok? Ok!”


In today’s gospel (Mk. 6, 30-34), Jesus invited His busy disciples: “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” They were so busy ministering to people that they had no opportunity even to eat! No matter how busy we are, we must learn to slow down, take it easy, and rest a while.


Taking time to rest, and taking it easy is not being lazy. It is a break, a respite that is not a luxury, but a necessity for all of us who get tired, grow weak, and become weary. Suggestion: Be gentle with yourself, so that you can be gentle with people around you.


There are three R’s we need in life as we journey on: Relax, Reflect, Renew.

RELAX - Take time to rest and get away from it all. Have a quiet time, be it in a walk, in a trip, or in a favorite pastime. Shut down.

REFLECT - Take time to be quiet and let the world and all its chatter fade away. Turn on the volume of what is inside you, and listen to God, let Him speak to you. Quiet down. Be silent. Listen. Shut up.

RENEW - Be recharged. Be energized. Reset your mindset and your priorities. Renew your commitments, relationships, and responsibilities. Sort out what you need to let go of or what you need to bring along in your journey. Refreshed and recharged, move on. Shuttle back.


Fr. Felix Ferrer, SVD (recuperating in our retirement house in Christ the King Seminary) writes about “sharpening the saw” by Stephen Covey, and the four areas of our life that need renewal, namely: Physical (beneficial eating, resting); Social/Emotional (making social and meaningful connections); Mental (learning, reading, writing and teaching); Spiritual (nature, meditation, music, art, prayer, service.) Renewal in those areas leads to empowerment, growth, change, and improvement.


The way of the cross is the way of silence. It is the way which our Lord humbly took. We too will walk this road at some point or another as we journey on. Walk it. Follow the Lord as you walk your way of the cross. It is a difficult way, with crowds so cruel and uncaring, and so insensitive and condemning. Instead of focusing and pleasing the crowd, focus on the Lord who has plans “to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29, 11)


Please don’t forget that amidst the proud and angry crowd, there are real friends. A few good friends is all we need. We don’t need followers or fans who are here today and gone tomorrow. When the Lord leads you to any way of the cross, He is making you strong, He is making you closer to Him, He is preparing, purifying, and cleansing you for something more beautiful up ahead.


We appreciate people who may not be heard or seen, but they are silently there, accompanying us with their prayers, respecting our space, supporting us, and wishing us well in whatever we are going through.


For those who go through any brokenness, may I recommend again BTS: BELIEVE that God loves you; TRUST that God will help you; SURRENDER to God’s loving will and plan for you.


Think about this: “Until you’re broken, you don’t know what you’re made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself all over again, but stronger than ever.”


A moment with the Lord:  Lord, silence me, so that I can listen to You speaking to me. Amen.

~ Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer

Friday, July 16, 2021

How I feel Sha.

 Happy Friday,

I'm writing this in our home, right in the middle of the farm... in our province.

I can hear the chickens and the goats in the background.

In front of me is a beautiful, clear, blue sky, and an open field overlooking a river.

Around me are lush mango trees planted by my parents almost two decades ago.

I'll be here in the province for about a month.

How are you?

My goal is to send you an inspirational email every Tuesday.

It's Friday today, so I am 3 days late. Hehe!

I've been enjoying spending time with my family here in the province.

The 14-hour drive from Manila to the province was so worth it!

I cooked dinner for the family last Wednesday and everyone loved it.

My little brother Kyle requested I cook the same dish again, which I did last night! :)

Though travel restrictions have been lifted and RT PCR is not required, my brother and I subjected ourselves to RT PCR tests to protect our family and our townmates and for our peace of mind as well.

Thank God we tested negative! :)

I want to talk about starting anew.

Is there a new passion project you want to start?

Maybe you want to become a speaker.

Or you want to write a book.

Or you want to start a business.

Or you want to end a toxic relationship and start fresh.

Or you want to confess your feelings to the one you love and court her.

Or you want to become a singer.

Do you feel like you're starting from square one?

That's exactly how I feel right now.

I feel like I'm back to square one when it comes to my three passion projects -- VLOGGING, SINGING, and PLAYING THE PIANO.

I feel like a kid again who gets so excited to make YouTube vlogs, sing, and play the piano!!!

I'm a beginner in these 3 areas.

There are a lot of things I don't know yet... and that's what makes the journey soooooo FUN and EXCITING!!!

I love to LEARN!

I love to experiment. I love to grow!

To be honest, I've been putting in a lot of time, energy, and money into these 3 new passion projects of mine.

I don't even have a business model yet on how to make money from these.

All I know is that I'm having so much FUN doing these and I also know I'madding value to people (at least for my YouTube vlogs, Hehe!)

While I was reflecting this morning, I realized, "OMG! I'm in the right place. My heart is in the right place!"

This was exactly how I started as an author and a speaker.

I wrote books because I loved to write books.

I gave talks because I felt so alive when I give talks. (In my first 3 years as a speaker, I gave talks pro bono!)

I did these things because I LOVED doing them, I had so much FUN doing them, and because I wanted to SERVE and give VALUE.

I wasn't chasing money. Money was not my motivation. (Money can be good but it is a bad motivator).

My guiding principle then from my mentor Bro. Bo Sanchez was, Serve first, money will follow.

Indeed, money followed. More than I could ever imagine! (Thank You for Your generosity and provision, God!)

Today, I've written and published 15 books.

I and my team have helped over 100 first-time authors write and publish their books through my signature online course The 90-Day Book Writing Challenge.

I've spoken all over the Philippines and I've been invited to speak in person to countries like Singapore, Malaysia, HongKong, India, the Maldives, USA, UAE, etc.

My business is doing really well.

It's running almost on auto-pilot because of the team and systems in place.

Which is why I can afford to spend a huge chunk of my time and energy in my 3 new passion projects!

If you feel like you're back to square one in a certain aspect of your life, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

It's always fun to look forward to doing something new!

My little suggestion would be to do it for the love of it, not for money.

Have the right intentions.

Don't chase money. Don't make money your motivator either.

Tweaking what my mentor Bro. Bo said and adding my own version,

"Pursue fun, serve first, and money will follow!"

Excited for you! :)

We published a new vlog in my YouTube channel.

The video is about The Power of Belief in the context of my journey as a singer (Naks!🤩)

I used to be tone deaf and I couldn't carry a tune.

When one person believed in me and told me I have a beautiful voice,

suddenly, I could hear the notes. Suddenly, I was no longer tone deaf!

If you self doubts about a particular area in your life, watch this video here

God gave you everything you need to succeed and be happy.

Believe in yourself!


Hope my latest YouTube vlog will inspire you to believe in yourself and to be brave.

 You can watch it here.

You got this! :)



I wish you love, joy, and peace today and everyday!





P.S. When you start a passion project, so many people will have their opinions. Some helpful, some destructive. You have to choose who you will listen to. Choose to listen to the one who believes in you. Let other people's opinion of you go in one ear and out the other.


When I started singing again, I made a decision that at the end of the day, the only opinion that would matter to me when it comes to singing is my coach's. :)


Here's the vlog again! In the YouTube comments, please share what is that one belief you would like to embody.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Suka sawsaw

 Sukang Sawsawan in 3 Ways | How to Make Spiced Vinegar Dipping Sauce

Tokwat Baboy Style Sawsawan

1 1/2 cups coconut vinegar

2 tablespoons soy sauce

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar

4 cloves garlic, chopped

1 piece onion, chopped

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

5 pieces Thai chili pepper, chopped

1 piece siling pansigang, sliced

2 tablespoons green onion, chopped

Salt to taste

Panlasang Pinoiy Spicy Vinegar

1 1/2 cups coconut vinegar

8 Thai chili pepper

1/2 piece bell pepper

2 cloves garlic

1 teaspoon whole peppercorn

2 thumbs ginger

Salt to taste


1 cup coconut vinegar

1/2 cup Thai chili pepper

4 thumbs ginger, Julienne

1 head garlic, crushed

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Dighay ng dighay.

 Dighay ng Dighay: Anong Dahilan

Payo ni Doc Willie Ong

Ang pagdighay (burping or belching) ay paraan ng katawan para ilabas ang sobrang hangin sa loob ng tiyan.

Nakalulunok tayo ng sobrang hangin kung mabilis kumain at uminom, nagsasalita habang kumakain, umiinom ng mga soft drinks o umiinom gamit ang straw. May ilang tao na nakahihigop ng hangin sa tuwing nine-nerbyos.

Ang hindi natunawan (indegstion) at heartburn ay maaaring malunasan ng pag-dighay.

Para mabawasan ang pag-dighay:

1. Kumain at uminom ng dahan-dahan. Huwag magmadali para maiwasan mabulunan. Limitahan ang pag-inom gamit ang straw.

2. Itigil ang pag-inom ng carbonated na inumin gaya ng softdrinks at beer, dahil naglalabas ito ng carbon dioxide.

3. Iwasan ang chewing gum o pagsipsip ng matigas na candy.

4. Huwag manigarilyo.

5. Ang pagbawas sa stress ay maaaring mapigilan ang nerbyos. Para mabawasan ang habit ng paglunok ng hangin.

6. I-check ang sukat ng pustiso. Kung hindi tama ang sukat maaaring maging dahilan para makalunok ng hangin habang kumakain.

7. Iwasan humiga agad pagkatapos kumain. Maglakad-lakad muna para bumaba ang kinain at maiwasan ang heartburn

Monday, July 12, 2021


 Php10 pandesal

Php100 1k tahong

Php1180 urban generation pants damit

Php20 tricycle.

Php20 pichi pichi

Php20 champorado

Php441 grocery.

Bpi transaction 07132021

 Arrive 10am

Depart 10:34am

Activate dormant acct maxi-saver and fill up debit form include in my existing debit card. As per bpi maintaining balance 50k and 1st transaction in a month is free of charge while 2nd transaction will be charged php18 pesos. Deposit 1pesos. Within the day acct will be activated. Ahe will text me.

Close hongkong atm acct. Cashless w/d and deposit.


Withdraw at hk atm acct. Left 0.05 cents. This will automatic close the acct as per bpi. No 300 charge. Then sign. The w/d slip.

Deposit at debit atm acct.


Good job bpi.

Ear wax removal.

 Ear Wax Removal 101: The Best (and Safest) Ways to Clear Clogged Ears

Trouble hearing? Or did you push that cotton swab a little too deep this time? A clogged ear from ear wax buildup is at best annoying and at worst a prelude to hearing loss. So how can you best handle ear wax woes?

Sometimes, trying to clean them causes more problems than it’s worth. Ears are like self-cleaning ovens. When the outer layer of skin in the ear canal sheds, the wax will fall out with it.

If your ears seem waxier than most, remember that earwax, also known as cerumen, is not only normal, it’s necessary.  It also protects ears from things that could hurt the eardrum, such as dust, hair or small insects.

But like most things in life, it’s all about balance — too much wax can block your ears and cause temporary hearing loss or infections.  Other factors that can affect your amount of ear wax include: Previous ear surgery or trauma, Recurrent ear infections, Wearing hearing aids or deep earplugs.

Two ear wax removal methods to try

If ear wax is becoming a nuisance, there are two easy ear cleaning methods:

1. Over-the-counter ear cleaning drops

If you have a small amount of wax, over-the-counter ear cleaners work well. Look for drops that contain hydrogen or other kinds of peroxide. The peroxide does a good job of breaking up ear wax.

Here’s how to use them:

Lay sideways: Make sure the ear you’re cleaning faces up and add the drops as directed.

Let it sit: Allow the cleaning solution to sit in your ear for around five minutes. This lets the liquid soak in and soften things up.

Grab a tissue: When you sit up, the liquid should come out, along with the ear wax that broke loose. Have a tissue ready to catch it all.

If that method doesn’t work, the ears might need flushing with a bulb syringe. 

But there are a few reminders: 

Be gentle: Flush your ear gently to avoid harming your eardrum.

Watch the temperature: The water should not be too cold or too warm. If it is, the temperature difference could make you dizzy.

Avoid if necessary: Don’t use the flushing method if you have a hole in your eardrum or if you’ve ever had eardrum surgery. Flushing may damage your eardrum repair.

If you are not comfortable flushing your own ears, you might want to check with your ENT doctor to see if he can do it for you.

Ear cleaning drops may not work if you have too much ear wax or a condition called impacted cerumen (when there’s a firm wax plug blocking your ear canal).

When it’s a plug, putting peroxide in your ear may make things worse because you’re softening the plug but not dissolving or removing it. Then the softened plug becomes like a wall of mud that can plug your ear even more.

2. Mineral or olive oil

People who put olive oil in their ear before getting a cleaning seem to get wax out more easily. It lubricates the ear canal, he explains. Others would recommend to use mineral oil.

Two ear wax removal remedies to avoid

1. Cotton swabs: A manufacturer’s warning on the package says it all: Do not insert swab into ear canal. A cotton swab tip pushes the ear wax in deeper, so the more you use it, the more ear wax you push in. Plus, you may rupture your eardrum if you push too far. Or if you scratch your ear canal, it can get infected because now dirt and bacteria can penetrate under your skin.

2. Ear wax removal candles: These candles don’t work, AND they may burn you.

When to see an ENT about a clogged ear

While ear wax is generally more annoying than dangerous, sometimes you need a doctor to clear it. If home remedies don’t work, your ear hurts or you have trouble hearing, it’s smart to seek medical evaluation.

Someone needs to look in and see if the ear canal is open or if the wax is plugging it up. 

If the situation is minor, you may be able to get your ears unblocked right then and there. If not, ENT doctors can use operating microscopes to magnify inside the ear canal, loosen the wax and vacuum it out.

And a clogged ear may have other causes. It could be a middle ear infection with fluid filling up the space behind the eardrum, Or you could have a viral infection that affects the inner ear. In those cases, a doctor can diagnose and treat you to prevent permanent hearing loss.


Friday, July 09, 2021

Enjoy life

 "When we die, our money remains in the bank... Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend. In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent. 

A business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, left with $1.9 billion in the bank, married his chauffeur. His chauffeur said:- "All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realize that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!" 

The cruel reality is: It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who. 

In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!

For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.

If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.

How about your wardrobes of clothes? 

70% of them are not worn!

A whole life of work and earning... 70% is for other people to spend. 

So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%.

👉Go for medical check-ups even if not sick.

👉Drink more water, even if not thirsty.

👉Learn to let go, even if faced with grave problems.

👉Endeavor to give in, even if you are in the right.

👉Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful.

👉learn to be contented, even if you are not rich.

👉Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy. 

👉Make time for people you care about.


🔹Love God and others More!✔

🔹Take time to PRAY and Read the Word of God! ✔

🔹Drink Plenty of water. ✔


           Breakfast like a KING, 

           Lunch like a Prince &

           Dinner like a pauper. ✔

🔹Live with the 3 E's--


      Enthusiasm &


🔹Play good games.✔

🔹Read more books than you did in 2018.✔

🔹Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.✔

🔹Sleep for 7 hours.✔

🔹Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily And while you walk...😊 Smile.✔

🔹Don't over do. Keep your limits.✔

🔹Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.✔

🔹Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.✔

🔹Dream more while you are awake.✔

🔹Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.✔

🔹Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present Happiness.✔

🔹Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.✔

🔹Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.✔

🔹No one is in charge of your happiness except you.✔

🔹Smile and Laugh More.✔

🔹You don't have to win every argument, Agree to disagree. ✔

🔹Call your family often.✔

🔹Each day give something good to others.✔

🔹Forgive everyone for everything.✔

🔹Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.✔

🔹Try to make at least three people smile each day.✔

🔹What other people think of you is none of your business.✔

🔹Do the right thing!✔

🔹GOD heals everything.✔

🔹However good or bad a situation is, it will change.✔

🔹No matter how you feel, Get up, Dress up and Show up. The best is yet to come.✔

🔹When awake in the morning Thank GOD for it.✔

🔹Your Inner most is always happy...

So, be Happy. ✔


Please 👉Forward This To Everyone Whom You Care to.

Thursday, July 08, 2021


 Wait for someone kind.

Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard. Wait for someone who respects your boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do.

Wait for someone who is giving and does not keep count of the good things they do for you.

Wait for someone who challenges you mentally. Someone who inspires you to be a better person.

Wait for someone who takes their time to learn and understand you.

Wait for someone who is consistent with their efforts in showing you how much they care about you.

Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world, and wants you to be part of theirs.

Wait for someone who lets you know you’re on their mind, someone who checks in on you, someone who wants you to know that they care for you.

Wait for someone who is willing to commit to you, someone who is willing to choose you.

Wait for someone who makes love feel easy, calm. Like coming home.

Wait for someone sincere. Someone who doesn’t confuse you because their actions match their words. Wait for someone honest.

Wait for someone who does their absolute best to not hurt you, someone who strives to protect your heart.

Wait for someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone who believes in it.

Wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special.

Wait for someone who reminds you that love was always meant to be soft.

By: Selcouth

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Passive income.


May tanong sakin kahapon; 5yrs na hindi ka nagwork dyan, stock trading lng ba ang source of income mo?

Hindi lng po ako full time trader. Marami po akong source of income;

✨1)Stock Trading sa PSE, sobrang lakas ng market dati kaya malakas ang kitaan. Nakaipon po ako.

✨2)Google Adsense. Dati active po ako sa Youtube (Guillen Rocher), at sumulat ng blog sa website ng kaya kumikita po ako dun, until now.

✨3)Money Remittance. Mahirap magpadala ng pera sa Pinas galing dito sa Ukraine, marami hahanapin na docs, mahal ang charge, may limit ang padala. Kaya yun ibang pinay sa akin sila nagpapadala, binibigay nila yun dollars sakin then icconvert ko sa peso at diretso ko ng itransfer sa family nila sa Pinas, bank or cebuana etc. 

✨4)Trading Crypto and Global Market, yun una kong account malaki yun kinita ko dun at marami akong naging copier na kumita din. Nawithdraw ko na yun unang account to realize the profit.

✨5)Traders Empire book na sinulat ko, of course kumikita po ako dun, until now it's available.

✨6)Mentorship. For now once a year na lng ito pero ito ang pinakamahirap. Kasi mahirap magturo talagang ibibigay mo yun oras mo. Kapag nagmmentorship ako I make sure na gagawa ako ng charity to give back. Nakakahiya sa Diyos na ibulsa ko lng yun binayad sakin, channel of blessing lng tayo na ginamit nya with our skills. Kaya yun mga naging students ko, hindi lng po kayo natuto, tinulong din po natin yun sa iba. Trader with a Mission tayo...💖💖

✨7)Affiliate marketing, hanggang ngayon ang daming offer. Pasensya na po saka na lng ako magrreply, medyo busy pa po.

✨8)Writer. Kumita din ako sa pagsusulat sa ibang website, they hired me with a contract then they'll pay me monthly.

Sa ngayon nagpplano ako magbukas ng grocery kasi walang Pinoy store dito. Iniisip ko din na magopen ng Hostel, Travel and Tour, kasi madali lng nman pumunta dito sa Ukraine. Pero ang doubt ko is, baka hindi ko mabigyan ng focus dahil first love ko ang magtravel, gusto ko talagang makita ang mundo. 

Kaya dun sa post ko kahapon, after ko po kumita ng 10M in a year, ano sa palagay nyo nararamdaman ko now? Yes, I'm thankful and grateful, pero napagod po talaga ako. Yun pagppost ko ngayon actually is one of my way to recharge myself. How? By counting my blessings, by encouraging others. Nallift up po yun spirit ko dyan. Kaya ayos lng sakin na mahina din ngayon ang market, kasi iwas puyat hehe... 

Sa tingin nyo saan ako kumita ng 10M sa mga source of income na nabanggit ko? Magkano kaya lahat yan dollars na nasa post? 🤗🤗

Sa iba, pwede nyo maging guide yan kung paano ang ibang way para kumita once na free lancer ka, full time trader, or digital nomad. 

Masaya ako na nakasulat na nman ako ngayon, at nakausap kayo. Salamat sa pagsama lagi sakin at sa pagbabasa. Sana maging maganda ang araw mo. 😘😘

✨Posted some dollars to attract more 😁😁

Nawa lahat ng magLike magkapera din 🙏


Guillen Rocher

Sunday, July 04, 2021

My Dad

 One year ago today my father passed away. These are the lessons he taught me. Everyday I try to live them. 


Pray w/o Ceasing...

Add Value to People...

Be Consistent...

Share my Faith...

Stay Focused...

Travel the High Road...

Encourage Others...

Put God First...

Work Hard...

Think Positive ...

Trust & Obey God...

Steward my Gifts...

Walk Slowly through the Crowd...

Live a Generous Life...

Give God the Credit...

Love People...

Read God’s Word...

Be Intentional...

See the Best in Others..

Maximize my Gifts...

Prioritize my Life...

Follow God 100%...

Not Give Up or In...

Do My Best...Always...

Pay Now-Play Later...

Express Gratitude to God

And Others...

Grow & Better Myself...

Remember Names...

Be Enthusiastic...

Note: My dad hasn’t left me…I know where he is:) Someday we will be together again!

Love JM

Political Thief.



Pakatatandaan Po sana niyo Ito sa nalalapit na halalan mahal kong mga kababayan.



What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) and a Political  Thief (PT)? 

1.The Ordinary Thief steals your money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.


The Political Thief steals your future, career, education, health and business !

2. The hilarious part is: ..

The Ordinary Thief will choose whom to rob. 

But, you yourself choose the Political Thief to rob you.

3. The most ironic one: ..

Police will chase and nab the Ordinary Thief.


Police will look after and protect the Political Thief!

That’s the travesty and irony of our current society !

And, we blindly say we are not blind !

4. The stupid part of the whole issue is that we insult and fight the Ordinary Thief but we Fight each other for the Political Thief.

Itchy ears

 Itchy Ears

Itchy ears are a very common problem. For some people the problem is so bad that they stick various objects into the ears, causing trauma to the ear canal. The most common causes of itching are a nervous habit, fungal infection or the beginning of an infection. Other causes can be skin diseases such as psoriasis or dermatitis. Some people with allergies complain of Itchy ears.

The ear canal may be normal on examination or there may be scaling of the skin. People aggravate the problem by using things such as bobby-pins, coat hangers and tooth picks to scratch the ear. This can produce abrasions of the ear canal.  Any break in the skin can allow bacteria to enter through this protective barrier. The ear will then become infected requiring it to be treated the same as swimmer’s ear.

Itching by itself without evidence of trauma or infection can be treated with a mild steroid ear drop.  A few drops placed in the ear will help to decrease the amount of itching. Another helpful treatment is the use of Hydrogen peroxide 3% (10 vol) as an ear drop. CAUTION: itchy ears may be the first signal that an infection is developing. If the ear is infected then use peroxide to clean it before using any ear drop antibiotics.
