Friday, August 27, 2021

Lemon grass tea

 It is possible to make lemongrass tea at home. After purchasing the stalks at a grocery store or herbalist, people can take the following steps to brew their tea:

  • cut the stalks into 1- to 2-inch pieces
  • boil a cup of water
  • pour the boiling water over the lemongrass stalks to steep
  • leave the stalks in the water for at least 5 minutes
  • strain the liquid from the stalks and pour into a teacup

Adding ice cubes will create a cold lemongrass tea.

The tea should have a fresh, citrusy taste. A person should start with one cup of lemongrass tea per day, then add more to their diet over the next days if they wish to.

Alternatively, most grocery and health food stores sell lemongrass tea. It is also available to purchase online.

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