Friday, August 27, 2021

Malunggay Tea.


Malunggay Tea Preparation
(as shared by Ms. Rhea Rodrigo - from comments thread below)

  1. Pick out 4 to 5 branches from the tree. Choose those with lots of leaves.
  2. Place them on a tray and leave in a dry place anywhere in your home for 3-4 days or until the leaves dry up and become crumpled. No need for sunlight.
  3. Pick out the crumpled leaves from the twigs and place in a dry pan over a low fire. Do not place water or oil in the pan.
  4. Cook the leaves, turning them over with a cooking spoon so that the leaves are cooked evenly. They are cooked when they are toasted but not burned.
  5. Store the cooked leaves in any container with a cover.
  6. To make the tea, take a tablespoon of the cooked leaves from the container and place in a cup of hot water. Let sit until the water absorbs the green color and nutrients of the leaves. It takes the same amount of time as making ordinary tea from tea bags.
  7. Remove the leaves from the cup.
  8. Option: add honey.

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