Thursday, June 13, 2024


 I'm 47. If you're still in your 20's, read this:

1) By the time you turn 40, you'll see a clear divide between those who developed high-paying skills and those who didn't. Marketing and selling are the two best.

2) Invest early. Kahit P500 lang per month ang simulan mong investment, it teaches you perseverance and discipline. Ask your bank to auto-transfer an amount to your savings. Then put it into an S&P 500 index fund.

3) Neglecting your health will not only make you feel terrible but also impact your ability to earn. Stay fit, good health is a foundation for being productive and successful.

4) Understand that your parents did their best with what they knew. Hindi sila perfect, pero neither are you. Show them appreciation, and learn from their experiences.

5) Food can be an addictive escape, at ang exercise can be a powerful tool for mental clarity and resilience.

Use exercise as a natural antidepressant to stay sharp and focused. Instead of redbull, mag work out ka na lang or get a sport that will make you move while having fun.

6) Forget societal expectations like "You should be making X by 30." Or "Dapat may bahay ka na by 35." The only timeline that matters is your own. Honor it and run your own race.

7) As you level up, magbabago rin ang circle of friends mo. Embrace this and surround yourself with people who inspire and support your growth.

8) Value your friendships deeply. Hindi mo alam kung kelan yung last time na makakasama mo sila. Make the most of these moments.

9) Read one book a month. Reading books can expand your knowledge, improve your skills, and open up new opportunities. The more you learn, the more you earn. 

10) Kung hindi ka mag-iinvest sa sarili at sa future mo ngayon, you'll likely end up baon sa utang, broke, and feeling helpless by the time you're in your 40s. 

To your freedom,

Your Tito Jon Oraña

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