Friday, March 13, 2020

Lockdown the other way. Let's...

A lockdown by any other name is still a lockdown. And this one is being enforced by the military and the police, as well as baranggay captains. Obey what they say  or it will be messy.

If you support this lockdown despite the shocking lack of social preparation, social protection mechanisms, then you're either privileged or self- absorbed, or totally naive, or all three.

The government is not going around distributing basic necesities or providing medical assistance: it's sending police and soldiers to civilian communities.

A lockdown will not solve the problem of the need to contain Covid19 and lessen the chances of it spreading. It has already caused so much panic that possible carriers upped and left the NCR to return to the provinces.

Yes, carriers. Thousands of untested people who might very well be carriers of the virus. Going to the provinces where there was previously no COVID19.

Instead of spending billions in taxpayers' money to deploy and keep massive police and military presence in the NCR , the government should instead deploy health workers and volunteers to implement mass testing. Reinstate the budgets of public hospitals. Release free hygiene kits with soap, alcohol  to the public. Implement community disinfection drives.

But the lockdown is actually just a guise for martial law.
It's a cover for the real intent: a crackdown on political dissent, so no more protests against EJKs, against charter change, against China's incursions and takeover of Philippine resources and territories.

No, Duterte doesnt care at all about public health and safety.
Mamatay na tayong lahat, wala siyang pakialam.
He has China.
He has Bong Go.
He just wants to survive from day to day until his miserable, ignominous death.

DND Sec. Lorenzana and the red-taggers got their wish. Martial law in the NCR.


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