Monday, August 19, 2024

Don't loose faith. Keep praying. YOUR PRAYERS NEVER GO WASTED.


It was 17 months ago (March 2023) when I left my first job without any plan B in mind. I just wanted to have a personal break as I was mentally and emotionally struggling. 

The first few unemployed weeks were manageable. I enjoyed spending good time with my family and friends. A month after I resigned, I started to look for jobs and send out applications to many companies in different industries. I actually don’t have any preferred position or company, but there are some non-negotiable criteria I am specifically mentioning to the Lord in my prayers. I was praying for a job that has:

* no weekend work

* no PH holidays work

* morning or mid shift

* remote or hybrid setup

* good salary

Honestly, to find a job that meets my preference is hard. Kahit ako, napaisip din ako kung may work ba akong mahahanap na swak sa gusto ko. Maybe from a logical point of view, wala kasi most of remote jobs normally follow night shift which doesn’t work for me. Kung morning shift naman, there are many available opportunities but it will require me to go back to Manila which I refuse. But even if my preference sounds impossible to me as well, I am convinced that the Lord will make it happen. I also don’t know how, I just know He can.

Since I already had a work experience of 3 years, I thought that looking for a job would be a walk in the park. But, I was wrong. Never have I imagined that I would cry a lot and get frustrated numerous times.

Everyday for 8 months, I would kneel to the Lord saying the same specific prayers. Did I get tired? Yes. Had doubts? Of course. Lose hope? Definitely. These are normal human feelings I felt along the way but thank God, His grace is more than enough to sustain me through those rough, hard and uncertain days. Palaging mas malaki ang habag ng Diyos kaysa ano mang sitwasyon ang mayroon tayo.

In the midst of all the tiredness, doubt and hopelessness — I just kept praying. Even if my situation back then doesn’t convince me that He is able, I kept praying. Even when all I have been receiving were rejection emails saying I am not qualified enough to get hired, I kept praying. Even when I was beginning to lose sight of the dreams God has put in me, I kept praying. Even when everything around me seems like pulling me away from what I was praying for, I kept praying. Even when God seems silent and I cannot see any hope that my prayers were getting answered, I kept praying. Even when my savings have run out and my monthly bills were piling up, I kept praying. Even when my heart is in total pain, I kept praying. 

I kept praying because I know the One I am praying to. I know that my God is a way-maker, a miracle-worker and a promise-keeper. I know that He will not just provide, He will surely go beyond my expectations. I clearly know that in Him, nothing is too hard nor impossible. 

10 months after, January 2024, God didn’t fail me. I got a job exactly as how I described and prayed it to the Lord — hybrid, no weekend work, midshift, good compensation and follows PH holidays. Suddenly, the tears that used to fall because of pain and rejection turned to tears of joy and gratitude. The Lord’s blessing was just so beautiful that it outweighed all the bad days. All I ever saw was His faithfulness and sustaining grace. I was completely amazed of how He orchestrated every thing until the day of the fulfillment of His promise.

Am I good? Definitely not. Worthy? No. It was all because of the Lord’s favor and grace that I am able to share this beautiful testimony with you.

So to you, whatever prayer request God has put in your heart, keep praying for it. Di ko alam kung gaano mo na katagal ipinapanalangin ang mga dalangin mo but the only thing I am certain of is hindi nawawalan ng kabuluhan ang mga pagluhod mo. Hindi nawawalan ng kapangyarihan ang pananalangin mo. Be specific on your prayers and be encouraged in the truth that we have a prayer answering God! 

He is always on time, never too early and never too late. Don’t get tired to approach the throne of grace because it is where the miraculous things begin to happen.

To Jesus be the highest glory!

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