Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fely, Ipaubaya mo sa iba

Grow Your Business Pinoy via

Kumusta ka? Typhoon “Ineng” has left last weekend, pero ito naman si Jenny.

Binaha ba sa lugar ninyo? 

Are you one of those who went out of town but were stuck for hours in traffic
because of heavy rains and floods? 
Were you late for your appointment? 
I remember Miriam.

I was attending a seminar in Manila, and was quietly sitting and listening to
the speaker when a co-seminar attendee came rushing through the door.
She was 20 minutes late.
Panting, she sat beside me.  That was the only empty seat. She had no choice. 
When the resource person called for a sharing session, she beamed as she
recounted how happy she was.

She met a good Samaritan on her way to the seminar. 
Delightfully, with her eyes twinkling,  she shared her story.

She actually left her house early that day. While driving in SLEX, she
suddenly heard a slight rhythmic thumping sound. She cautiously
maneuvered her car towards the shoulder and finally, stepped on the brake.   

She stepped out of the car and found out the right rear tire was flat!

“I can do this,” she muttered to herself as she rolled up her sleeves and got
the tools out to replace the flat tire. After much sweating under the scorching
 7 A.M. sun, she succeeded in removing the flat tire in 15 minutes.

When it was time to get the spare tire from the compartment, she huffed and
puffed, used all her strength to push and pull.  Alas! The spare tire in the
compartment was stuck.

15 minutes of strategizing, analyzing and more pushing and pulling.

Still no luck!

Then, she saw a traffic officer riding a motorcycle heading towards her. After
asking her some questions, he rolled up his sleeves.  In a matter of seconds,
the spare tire was released, and he replaced the flat tire in no time.

She offered him some money as a token of her gratitude, but  the officer declined.

“Wow, meron pa din talagang matutulungin na Pilipino without expecting anything
in return,” I commented and she agreed.

She said: “I was 20 minutes late because of that flat tire, but I am thankful, kasi, I
 learned a valuable life lesson this morning.”

“Ano ‘yon?” I asked.


And then we both laughed.

When We Were Starting Our Businesses

I remembered then that back in the days when my husband, Angel and I were
starting our businesses, I did everything. I did the buying of the merchandise, I
did the selling, the collecting, and the accounting, etc. It was really exhausting,
especially accounting!

I even enrolled myself in Basic Accounting. And then, I re-enrolled myself, to
understand it better! But when I tried to apply it to our business, patay na! It
was so tedious and boring that I couldn’t discipline myself to do it consistently.

You see, I later realized that if it is not my core competency, I must NOT force
myself to do it. I would be BETTER off doing other stuff that I enjoy and that I
can do efficiently.

“Huwag mong ipilit.”

I have since accepted that Accounting is not my strength. Accounting is
my flat  tire,  and so, I delegated it to others who I know can do it
more accurately  and efficiently.

What Is Your Flat Tire

What about you? What is the flat tire in your business?

Do you think you can really replace that flat tire better and faster all by yourself?

Or is it more helpful to ask someone who enjoys doing it, and who can do it
better than you can?

To be more efficient and effective (and not stressed out!), I stick to my
core competencies. I hope you do, too.

Love always, 
Your Negosyo Mom

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Seizures And Herbs That Can Help

Seizures And Herbs That Can Help

Seizure refers to the physical changes in the behavior of a person which occur after
an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This causes a temporary
dysfunction. Some of the warnings signs before the seizure takes place include a
change in vision, a headache, sudden feeling of fear or anxiousness, a feeling of
being sick to your stomach, dizziness, and a jerky movement of the arms and legs
that may cause them to drop things.

A severe seizure may show symptoms such as violent shaking and a loss of control
and consciousness which often leads to injury or can possibly be a sign of an
underlying medical condition. Usually, these symptoms are unpredictable, episodic,
stereotypic, and brief.

Types of Seizures

Focal Seizures

These type seizures usually start in a certain part of our brain and can affect us
physically and emotionally. Focal seizures can make us hear, feel, and see things
that are not there.

Generalized Seizures

These affect both sides of the brain. They can cause muscle spasms, loss of
consciousness or fall.

Seizures Fall Under Two Categories

Epileptic – These seizures occur two or more times and do not have an apparent
trigger. The most common type of epileptic seizure is symptomatic epilepsy, which
can be defined as epilepsy that follows an injury to the brain known to be
capable of causing epilepsy. Symptomatic epilepsy is common in newborns and
older adults.

Non-epileptic – These are seizures that are triggered by a condition that irritates
 the brain such as infection, head injury, and a stroke. There are also drugs that
can cause these seizures.

Herbal Medicine Can Help With 

Seizure Disorders

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender is commonly used for anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, depression,
headache, and pain. According to experts, it is the international flower for epilepsy.
Studies have found that it has sedative, mood-improving, relaxing, and
neuroprotective properties. However, one must avoid a type of lavender known
as Spike lavender (L. latifolia) as it can only induce seizures.

Black Cumin

When it comes to preventing convulsions, black cumin is one of the best. Results
of a 2007 study revealed that consumption of a water extract from black cumin
seeds can significantly reduce seizure activity. Aside from this, black cumin
was also found to be capable of preventing memory impairment and neurotoxicity.


Valerian acts as a sedative on the brain and nervous system. It is considered
as one of the best remedies that can help cure seizures and should be
considered by individuals with epilepsy. Scientists claimed that valerian has
anti-convulsive compounds which are responsible for its effectiveness in treating


Skullcap is used for treating anxiety and nervous tension. It has anti-inflammatory,
antispasmodic, slightly astringent, emmenagogue, febrifuge, nervine, sedative
and strongly tonic. For many years, it has been used as an anticonvulsant. It has
been found to be beneficial in the treatment of various neurological disorders
such as anxiety disorder, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.


There were several studies showing how cannabis can help treat symptoms of
seizure disorders. Thanks to its active ingredients known as cannabinoids which 
were found  to effective against cases of drug-resistant therapy.

What To Do During An Epileptic Seizure?

If you are with someone having a tonic-clonic seizure (where the body stiffens,
followed by general muscle jerking), try to stay calm and follow these tips:

  1. Keep the patient safe and protect them from injury.
  2. Shut and lock doors that lead outside if you are at home
  3. If they have food or fluid in their mouth, roll them onto their side immediately.
  4. Place something soft under their head and loosen any tight clothing.
  5. If the seizures are uncontrolled, avoid using sharp objects such as steak 
  6. knives or scissors.
  7. Time the seizure, if you can.
  8. Reassure the person until they recover.
  9. Gently roll the person onto their side after the jerking stops.

Herbal medicine is experiencing a renaissance these days, thanks to studies
that show  its many health benefits. A study in the journal Alternative and 
Complementary Therapies is one example. In their paper, a team of 
researchers from Bastyr University in Washington reviewed some of the
 medicines commonly used in managing 
seizure disorders.

Seizure disorders happen when the brain’s electrical activity is disturbed,
causing temporary dysfunction. Some seizures cause uncontrollable 
shaking and loss of consciousness, but most reported cases involve a 
person becoming unaware of what is happening. Around two percent of 
people will experience a seizure once in their lifetime, with only a third 
of them experiencing another one.

Focal seizures: These start in a particular part of your brain, and their names are
based on the part where they happen. They can cause both physical and emotional
effects and make you feel, see, or hear things that aren’t there. About 60% of people
with epilepsy have this type of seizure, which is sometimes called a partial seizure.
Sometimes, the symptoms of a focal seizure can be mistaken for signs of mental
illness or another kind of nerve disorder.

Generalized seizures: These happen when nerve cells on both sides of your brain
misfire. They can make you have muscle spasms, blackout, or fall.

Seizures aren’t always an “either-or” thing: Some people have seizures that start
as one kind, then become another. And it’s not easy to classify some of them: These
are called unknown-onset seizures, and they can cause both sensory and physical

While a seizure can last anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds, it can be risky for some
people, especially if it happens when they are standing. Contrary to popular belief,
not everyone loses consciousness during a seizure. There is, however, a type of
seizure disorder called the convulsive status epilepticus, where the seizure lasts for
more than five minutes, and intense muscle contractions cause difficulty breathing.
This is a medical emergency and should be attended to immediately. It’s also worth
noting that putting an object in the mouth of someone having a convulsion isn’t
helpful either as it can cause more harm.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


HI Isko!
It’s been a while. We were together in the senatorial slate of Sen. Grace Poe and Sen. Chiz Escudero, back in 2016. I loved listening to your life story then, and to see it unfold in the brightest direction now is truly amazing. Your journey from the slums of Tondo to the edifice of city hall is proof that nothing is impossible.
I see some facets of my father in you. He was a poor boy from Hagonoy who had to work as a stevedore at North Harbor. Unable to pay for college, Ka Blas found intellectual redemption in books and public libraries. You are a student of life, having finished high school, seeking higher learning when your life got better and upon the advice of your mentor, the kind-hearted Mayor Danny Lacuna.
Now you are the mayor and father of the nation’s most historic city. As you do your best to improve Manila while preserving its character, know that the world is your audience. For most foreigners, the Philippines is Manila. I am glad that you are giving our capital city a good scrub, and ecstatic that the Manila Zoo revival is high on your list of priorities.
But keep your feet on the ground and your ears always open. Do not succumb to the secluded bliss of having a cordon sanitaire. They will try their best to protect you but also because this gives some of them the power to strut. And, strut they will.
You know Manila like no one else will. You have infinite stories to tell about your childhood and growing up years. Being an actor may have given you the skills and aptitude to communicate, but those stories are all yours. Use them. Keep reminding young people not to fear big dreams, because the bigger dreams are the best ones to catch.
Tap the best minds regardless of political persuasion. Don’t hesitate to ask the best of the best a multitude of questions. Remember the learning atmosphere at the Kennedy School of Government?  Be fierce in putting together an education program of that caliber not just for the young people but also even for our senior citizens. As my father used to say, education is for life.
Have a job count. Everyday. How many of your constituents were able to secure a job interview in Manila-based companies? How many more can be hired if only they are prepped well enough to pass that golden interview? New jobs created mean more revenues for the household and the city. It is the proverbial tide that will lift all boats. Come up with an online Trabaho Central. Know who your workers are per barangay. With technology, everything is possible.
Also, please know this. Illegal recruitment thrives inside your territory. There are a lot of licensed recruitment agencies that are foreign-owned, with several foreigners occupying tables and interviewing recruits, a practice that is very much against existing POEA rules. Declare a war on illegal recruitment, and all recruitment agencies operating within your city must also be required to obtain city permits for the accommodations where domestic workers applying for jobs overseas are kept. Humane conditions must prevail, even if these houses or tenements are rented by recruitment agencies.
Welcome our tourists back to Manila. Some of them may still remember the Luneta hostage-taking incident. Develop new experiences for them to savor—have the best city tours in Asia. Make every historical and tourist site, “Instagrammable.” Free use of selfie sticks for tourists that they can just pick up and return before they leave, personalized welcome cards from the mayor for every tourist that checked in at a Manila-based hotel, and midnight walks along Fort Santiago with troubadours that can serenade couples with our best kundimans—your city can rival the best of the best when it comes to memorable experiences.
I do worry about you. I worry that all the high-octane publicity would wear you out, or even wear us out. We know that in politics, the higher you rise, the greater and more dramatic the fall. Avoid the fall. Do not be sucked in by all these talks about the presidency. You were one of the hardest-working senatorial candidates in 2016. I really thought you would make it. Now it is clear why it was not meant to be. God had His reasons. Trust Him.
Local government now has a national face and it’s yours. So shine!
I am sure that you have no shortage of people offering you advice. I am sorry to be adding myself to this list. Because of you, we have become emotionally invested in the transformation of Manila. So stay away from the pettiness of previous political skirmishes. Dream biggest now. You have an entire city to care for. From the time you were born, the poetry of a remarkable life runs in your veins, so make it rhyme and offer each verse to the Lord. Never forget that Isko is His creation. Make Him and all of us proud.
Congratulations and Good luck!

Monday, August 26, 2019


Maganda po sana ang panukalang ito pero hindi po ito ang maagap na solusyon para maibsan ang trapiko sa EDSA.

Ang isang sanhi ng usad pagong sa EDSA ay ang pagbawal sa pribadong sasakyan na magamit ang 2 yellow lanes para sa mga city buses na sobra sobra naman sa dami.

1. Bawasan ang mga City Buses at gawing Centralized, Sychronized and Sytematized ang deployment.
2. Ipagamit ang yellow lanes para sa mga pribadong sasakyan.

3. Ipagbawal sa mga Buses ang nago-overload at nagpapatayo ng mga tao upang mas mabilis ang deployment nila sa bawat bus stop.

Kapag ginawa ito, mawawala ang artificial shortage ng PUVs sa EDSA at hindi na mahihirapang sumakay ang mga tao tuwing uwian.

Asa ka pa.


Sobra nang napakalala ng corruption sa Pilipinas na ayon mismo kay Deputy Ombudsman Cyril Ramos, sa artikulong lumabas noong Agosto 16, 2019 sa CNNPHILIPPINES.COM, umaabot sa 20 percent sa taon-taong national budget ang nawawala dahil sa corruption.  Sa P3.35 trilyon na national budget noong 2017, P670 bilyon ang napunta sa corruption (P752 bilyon naman sa P3.76 trilyon na 2018 national budget). Ang mahigit P700 bilyon na iyan na napunta lang sa corruption noong 2018 ay kaya na sanang makapagpatayo ng 1.4 housing units para sa mga mahihirap ( sa halagang P500,000 bawat unit).

Ang kadalasang sinisisi natin dito ay ang mga botante. Anila, dahil binibili ng mga pulitiko ang kanilang boto, at dahil magastos ang elections sa Pilipinas, binabawi lamang nila sa pamamagitan ng corruption ang kanilang mga ginastos.

Bagama’t totoo ito, mali rin na ganito na ang ating maging pag-iisip. Kapag ganyan, mas pagbubuntunan natin ng sisi ang mga tao kaysa sa mga pulitiko. Sa gayon, ang biktima ang mas madidiin at makakaligtas ang mga kriminal.

Dapat nating tingnan ang mga tao bilang biktima. Isa ang malawakang corruption sa gobyerno sa mga dahilan kaya naghihirap ang mga tao. At dahil sa sobrang kahirapan kaya napipilitan ang mga ito na samantalahin ang eleksyon para kahit papaano’y matugunan ang kanilang pangangailangan kahit sa isang araw o panandalian man lamang. Pero ayaw ba ng mga pulitiko sa ganitong sistema? Gusto nila ito, dahil sa pamamagitan nito ay laging nakaasa sa kanila ang mga tao. Ayaw nilang makaraos sa kahirapan ang mga tao, dahil pag hindi na mahirap ang mga tao ay mai- empower na ang mga ito.

Personal ko mismong eksperyensya ito. Nang tumakbo akong mayor noong 2016 sa aming bayan sa San Jose, Camarines Sur, kahit pa gaano kaganda ng mga kaisipan mo’t programa, kung wala kang pambili ng boto o mas maliit ang pambili mo ng boto kumpara sa kalaban, hindi ka mananalo. Sa poblacion kung saan marami-rami ang mga medyo maykaya at mga nakapag-aral, doon ay maganda ang naging resulta para sa akin, dahil ang mga ito ay di nababayaran ang boto, pero doon sa mga lugar na grabe ang kahirapan, lalo sa mga baryo sa labas ng bayan at sa mga tabing dagat, talagang mahirap mapaliwanagan ang mga tao kahit sabihan pang “ang pera’y sa bulsa at  ang boto’y sa balota.”

Hindi pupuwede ang voter’s education lang. Dapat talagang maiahon sa kahirapan ang ating mga kababayan. Kapag ang middle class sa ating bansa ay mas malaki na ang bilang kaysa sa mga kababayan nating sobra ang kahirapan, saka lamang hindi na nila kailangang ipagbili ang boto at magpailalim sa kapangyarihan ng mga pulitiko. Saka lang sila makakaboto ayon sa kanilang kagustuhan. Saka lamang magkakapuwang ang mga taong gusto ring maglingkod sa bayan ngunit walang perang pampondo sa pera-pera lang na halalan. Saka lang magkakatotoo ang demokrasya at right to universal suffrage sa ating bansa, kagaya ng mga western democracies na tulad ng US, Europe, atbp.

Ngunit hindi iyan mapapayagan na mangyari ng mga tradisyunal na pulitiko o mga trapo na nabubuhay at naghahari dahil sa corruption. Hindi totoong binabawi lang nila ang kanilang mga ginastos sa eleksyon, ang totoo, ang posisyon nila sa gobyerno ay ang kanila na mismong hanapbuhay o negosyo. Sa Pilipinas, ang gobyerno ay pinapatakbo ng mga pulitiko na parang negosyo. Kung sila Sy, Gokongwei, Tan, atbp ay may malalaking nga negosyo, ang mga Duterte, Marcos, Arroyo, Estrada, Revilla, at iba pang mga trapo sa mga probinsya’t lungsod at mga bayan, ay ang gobyerno mismo ang kanilang negosyo. Sa gobyerno sila nagpapakayaman, iyan ang kanilang kabuhayan. Mas malala pa, maraming mga pulitiko ang di na lang nakokontento sa nakukuha sa corruption sa gobyerno, nagtatayo na rin sila ng mga negosyo gamit ang poder sa gobyerno, tulad ng mga mining at quarry, construction, at marami pang iba. Marami ring pulitiko ang dati nang sobrang yaman ngunit humawak pa ng mga poder sa gobyerno para lalo pang yumaman dahil sa corruption at magamit pa ang gobyerno para mapaboran ang kanilang mga negosyo ( kaya si Villar na ngayon ang pinakamayaman sa Pilipinas).

Napamasalimuot na ng problema sa corruption sa Pilipinas. Napakahirap na itong solusyonan. Hindi na dito kailangan lang ang patse-patseng programa sa kontra-corruption. Kaya nga hindi ito nalutas ng administrasyon ni Noynoy Aquino kahit pa sa programa nitong “Daang Matuwid” dahil ang tinarget lang nito ay ang mga kalaban sa pulitika (mga Arroyo, Binay, Marcos, Enrile, Estrada, Revilla, atbp) ngunit ang mga kakampi nito sa pulitika ( mga Alcala, Belmonte, Abaya, at marami pang mga trapong nagbihis Liberal) ay patuloy din naman sa corruption at katiwalian. Kaya sa frustration ng mga tao, hindi nila ibinoto ang pinili ni Noynoy na si Roxas at sa halip ay nanalo si Duterte.

Ngunit muli, frustrated na naman ang taumbayan sa mga nangyayari. Hindi pala totoo ang pangakong lalabanan ni Duterte ang corruption. Lalo pa nga itong lumalala. Patunay nga nito ang sinabing ito ng mismong Deputy Ombudsman na sa taon lamang na 2017 at 2018, sa ilalim na ni Duterte, P1.4 trilyon ang nawala dahil sa corruption.

Sa huli, ang paglaban ng bayan sa corruption ay bahagi lamang ng kabuuang hangarin din ng taumbayan na umunlad ang bayan at makaahon sila sa kahirapan. Sapagkat tulad nga ng ipinakita natin, hangga’t may kahirapan, sasamantalahin at sasamantalahin ito ng mga pulitiko para makontrol ang taumbayan at sila naman ay makapaghari sa corruption at katiwalian.


Saging na Saba, Sobrang Masustansya
Payo ni Doc Willie Ong at Doktor Doktor Lads

Marami sa atin ang mahilig sa saging na saba. Bukod sa mas mura ito kesa sa saging na na lakatan at latundan, marami rin itong health benefits sa ating katawan. Madalas itong ginagamit sa pagluluto ng banana cue, madalas din na nilalaga o iniihaw.

Narito ang ilan sa mga health benefits ng saging na saba.
1. Mayaman ito sa vitamin B complex na nakakatulong para sa ating mga nerves.
2. Mayaman ito sa potassium na nakakatulong upang mapababa ang ating blood pressure.
3. Dahil mayaman ito sa fiber nakakatulong ito sa pagtunaw ng ating pagkain. Nakakatulong din na mapababa ang cholesterol sa ating katawan.
4. Mainam din ito sa mga nangangasim ang sikmura dahil nakakatulong itong maprotektahan ang ating bituka mula sa stomach acid.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


People that are the healthiest are people with very low
stress levels. The common denominator of the healthiest people on
the planet is how they think and what they say. The mind can cause
the immune system to be incredibly strong and actually change the
genetic DNA structure in your body, preventing disease. What you
think and what you say can actually cure disease. Conversely, what
you think and what you say, in other words "stress," can absolutely
cause your immune system to be weakened and cause genetic weaknesses
in the body to become active causing you to develop illness
and disease. Stress, negative thoughts, negative words coming out
of your mouth, all are very powerful in turning your body pH either
acidic or alkaline. Remember, if your body's pH is acidic you have an
environment where illness and sickness can thrive. If your body pH
is alkaline you virtually can never get sick. By reducing stress, speaking
powerful positive words, and thinking powerful positive thoughts
you absolutely can turn your body pH to the state of alkaline and
reverse—yes, that's right, absolutely cure virtually every disease in
the body, all with the power of your mind.
So the summary, in very general, very simplistic terms is this:
The reason why you are sick is because you are putting more toxins
and chemicals in your body. Those toxins and chemicals are not coming
out of your body because you are not eliminating things like you
should. We are exercising more but we are not walking, and walking is
the major form of exercise that gives you the most health benefits. We
are not resting enough, so our body doesn't have a chance to rejuvenate
and recharge. Our thoughts are more negative because of the images
we are getting from television, magazines, newspapers and movies.
Think about the kids' games that they are playing and how horrific
those images are. The sounds we are hearing are not life enhancing, but
are actually having a powerful adverse affect on our physiology—turning
our body from alkaline to acid. And we are being bombarded by
more electronic chaos from cell phones, microwaves, satellite waves,
112 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
electronic devices, computers, televisions, etc. We drive more than ever
before and, due to that, our stress levels keep going up and up, causing
our bodies to become more acidic and giving us a whole environment
which is conducive to sickness and disease. Our immune systems are
being suppressed and we are becoming more susceptible to illness.
Specifically, the drugs that we are taking are making our immune systems
weaker, and are putting so many toxins in our bodies that they are
in fact causing many additional illnesses.

The Cure.

No one can make billions of dollars in profits selling
it to you, but simple stress reducing techniques that are effective
and inexpensive absolutely have been proven to be one of the most
powerful natural cures of all time. This is one of the "natural cures"
that "they" don't want you to know about! I will tell you exactly how

to reduce stress levels and utilize this cure in a later chapter.

There are three elements of proper rest:

1. The time in which you rest. The most optimum time for the body
to rest is when the sun is no longer shining. Ideally, a person would
rest and sleep when the sun goes down and arise when the sun
comes up. This is the natural cycle. However, most people's lifestyles
do not allow this. Therefore they are resting and sleeping at
non-optimal times. Each week a lunar cycle occurs starting at sundown
every Friday ending at sundown every Saturday. This time
period is absolutely the most ideal time for the body to recharge
and rejuvenate.
2. The amount of hours you rest. Although every person is different, it
appears that every person operates better when getting eight hours
of sleep. People operate worse if they receive fewer hours or more
hours. The majority of people sleep less than eight hours, and then
try to catch up by occasionally sleeping more hours. This practice
does not allow optimal recharging and rejuvenation of the cells in
your body.
3. Rest and sleep should be deep. Most people toss and turn at night.
The ideal situation is that you virtually do not move for the entire
sleep time. When sleep is full and deep, brainwave activity can
occur, which stimulates the healing process throughout the body.
A person who snores wakes themselves up an average of 300 times
per night. A person who snores never gets into the deepest levels of
sleep, and thus their body is never operating at optimal efficiency.

There is a difference between sleep and rest. The body can rest
without going to sleep. Most people never take a "rest" during the day.
The common pattern of waking up, working all day nonstop, going to
bed late, never getting a full deep eight hours of peaceful sleep, results
in a body that slowly begins to break down and never has a chance to
heal and recharge. If you were to take a battery powered device and
leave it on until the battery died, and compare that to turning the
device on for a period of time then off for a period of time, and repeating
this process several times, you would find the battery life can be as
high as twice as long as nonstop usage. The body is very much like a
battery. The body operates almost identically, utilizing electric current
throughout. It must be given a chance to rest. If a person did nothing
else but get proper rest and sleep, their energy levels would skyrocket
and the amount of illness and disease they experience would go down

A few common things which slow the elimination process are:

Antibiotics. If you have ever taken an antibiotic you have dramatically
slowed your elimination potential via the colon. Antibiotics
kill all the friendly bacteria in the intestine and colon. This allows
unfriendly yeast, most notably candida, to grow abnormally and
infest your digestive system. This candida yeast overgrowth slows
digestion, increases gas, bloating and constipation, and itself creates
an abnormal amount of toxins.
• Lotions and creams. Most people put lotions and creams all over
their skin clogging the pores and suppressing the natural elimination
process through the skin. This would include sunscreens, cosmetics,
deodorants, and antiperspirants.
• Lack of body movement. Have you ever noticed when you take a
dog for a walk, they poop? When you move your body as nature
intended, you increase the elimination process. Since most people
sit all day, their elimination cycles are suppressed. You should
have three bowel movements per day. When you eat food, it goes
through the digestion process and ends up in the colon ready for
elimination. The food in the colon begins to putrefy and become
toxic. The longer it stays in the colon, the more toxic it becomes. If
left long enough, these toxins begin to enter the bloodstream. This
can turn into a serious medical condition resulting in death. Your
body's elimination system must be working at optimal levels if you
want to live without illness and disease.


How to change PLDT Home Fibr WiFi name and password
To change your PLDT Home Fibr SSID and password, you need to access your PLDT Fibr Modem/Router. For that, you need to open a browser (Chrome, Firefox & etc.).
1. In your browser type the PLDT Fibr’s I.P. address or URL which is or by default. Don’s forget to press “Enter”.
2. Login using your PLDT default admin username and password. If you are having trouble logging in, you may check the newly updated PLDT Default Username and password and follow the instructions in How to access PLDT Home Fibr admin.

3. Once you are logged in, you will see that there are two (2) WiFi connections or SSID’s. Let’s change the first SSID, by going to “advance” -> “SSID Name“, then type your desired WiFi name.
4.  Next, on “Passphrase” box, input your desired PLDT Fibr WiFi password and click apply for the change to take effect.

Now, let’s move on to the 5G Advance tab and do the same thing as what you did on the previous tab.

Please take note that you need to change the two (2) SSID’s and Passwords of your PLDT Fibr Wireless router. To protect your entire WiFi connection against potential hacker.
Now, I believe that you successfully changed your two PLDT Fibr WiFi names and password. It’s about time to celebrate because your PLDT Fibr Wireless Internet connection, is now safer.
Do you have any idea on how to change PLDT Home Fibr password and username? 

Friday, August 23, 2019


Just promise me before you judge someone hear them out first

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Health - Detox Water

Do-it-Yourself Detox Water

2L of Purified Water + 1 Cucumber + 1 Lemon + 2 of tbsp Honey (steep overnight)

Health Benefits of Drinking Cucumber-Lemon water with Honey
1. It cleanses the intestines and improves the absorption of nutrients by the body. Drinking it regularly increases the peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract and cleanse your gut.

2. It helps people suffering from constipation by hydrating the colon and infuses water into dried stool.

3. It helps in digestion as citric acid in lemon interacts with other enzymes and acids, Thus increase secretion of gastric juice and digestion.

4. Anti-inflammatory properties of lemon helps body to fight infections of the respiratory tract and situation of sore throat.

5. It provide antioxidants to the body to fight against free radicals and this helps to get smooth & fairer skin.

6. It can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.

7. Intake of this Mix daily relieves heartburn.

8. Fibre called pectin in lemon water cut your cravings and thus helps in Weightloss.

9. Lemons are a highly alkaline food and cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

A/C thermostat settings

Glazer is correct. A little more info on the settings. The 1-10 setting on your thermostat only affects how cold the room has to get for the A/C to cycle off. At a guess, 1 is around 80 °F and 10 is around 60 °F. Turning the dial to a higher number does not make it cool any better, it just keeps it running longer.

The high/low settings do affect how much cooling it does. The high fan setting will use more electricity and not just from the fan itself. The amount of air flowing through the unit over the evaporator (cooling) coil affects how much work the compressor has to do to cool that air. The temperature of the air is another factor. Hotter air = more work and thus more electricity.

A final note about A/Cs in general, not just window units. The temperature of the air outside has a large affect on the energy the A/C uses. I could write a long boring post about the freon cycle with temperature-enthalpy diagrams, but in simple terms, heat flows downhill, from warmer towards cooler. In order to make the rather diffuse heat in your home flow out into the warmer outdoors, that heat has to be concentrated so that it is warmer than the air outside. The warmer it is outside, the more work has to be done to concentrate your home's heat so that it can be rejected outdoors. The upshot of all of this is that the cooler it is outdoors, the less energy your A/C will use to cool your house. So it is much more efficient to cool your house at night. If you have good insulation, you can "cold soak" your house overnight - getting the air and everything inside nice and cool while it's cheaper to do so, then turning up the setting in the morning and letting the temperature coast back up for a while.

RA 10592

Today is Friday, August 23, 2019

Fifteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand twelve.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Section 1. Article 29 of Act No. 3815, as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"ART. 29. Period of preventive imprisonment deducted from term of imprisonment. – Offenders or accused who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the service of their sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty, with the full time during which they have undergone preventive imprisonment if the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing after being informed of the effects thereof and with the assistance of counsel to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, except in the following cases:
"1. When they are recidivists, or have been convicted previously twice or more times of any crime; and
"2. When upon being summoned for the execution of their sentence they have failed to surrender voluntarily.
"If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, he shall do so in writing with the assistance of a counsel and shall be credited in the service of his sentence with four-fifths of the time during which he has undergone preventive imprisonment.
"Credit for preventive imprisonment for the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be deducted from thirty (30) years.1âwphi1
"Whenever an accused has undergone preventive imprisonment for a period equal to the possible maximum imprisonment of the offense charged to which he may be sentenced and his case is not yet terminated, he shall be released immediately without prejudice to the continuation of the trial thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the same is under review. Computation of preventive imprisonment for purposes of immediate release under this paragraph shall be the actual period of detention with good conduct time allowance: Provided, however, That if the accused is absent without justifiable cause at any stage of the trial, the court may motu proprio order the rearrest of the accused: Provided, finally, That recidivists, habitual delinquents, escapees and persons charged with heinous crimes are excluded from the coverage of this Act. In case the maximum penalty to which the accused may be sentenced is lestierro, he shall be released after thirty (30) days of preventive imprisonment."
Section 2. Article 94 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"ART. 94. Partial extinction of criminal liability. – Criminal liability is extinguished partially:
"1. By conditional pardon;
"2. By commutation of the sentence; and
"3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may earn while he is undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving his sentence."
Section 3. Article 97 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"ART. 97. Allowance for good conduct. – The good conduct of any offender qualified for credit for preventive imprisonment pursuant to Article 29 of this Code, or of any convicted prisoner in any penal institution, rehabilitation or detention center or any other local jail shall entitle him to the following deductions from the period of his sentence:
"1. During the first two years of imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of twenty days for each month of good behavior during detention;
"2. During the third to the fifth year, inclusive, of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a reduction of twenty-three days for each month of good behavior during detention;
"3. During the following years until the tenth year, inclusive, of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of twenty-five days for each month of good behavior during detention;
"4. During the eleventh and successive years of his imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of thirty days for each month of good behavior during detention; and
"5. At any time during the period of imprisonment, he shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen days, in addition to numbers one to four hereof, for each month of study, teaching or mentoring service time rendered.
"An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of entitlement to the above allowances for good conduct."
Section 4. Article 98 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"ART. 98. Special time allowance for loyalty. – A deduction of one fifth of the period of his sentence shall be granted to any prisoner who, having evaded his preventive imprisonment or the service of his sentence under the circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of this Code, gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours following the issuance of a proclamation announcing the passing away of the calamity or catastrophe referred to in said article. A deduction of two-fifths of the period of his sentence shall be granted in case said prisoner chose to stay in the place of his confinement notwithstanding the existence of a calamity or catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 of this Code.
"This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving sentence."
Section 5. Article 99 of the same Act is hereby further amended to read as follows:"
"ART. 99. Who grants time allowances. – Whenever lawfully justified, the Director of the Bureau of Corrections, the Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and/or the Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or city jail shall grant allowances for good conduct. Such allowances once granted shall not be revoked."
Section 6. Penal Clause. – Faithful compliance with the provisions of this Act is hereby mandated. As such, the penalty of one (1) year imprisonment, a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) and perpetual disqualification to hold office shall be imposed against any public officer or employee who violates the provisions of this Act.
Section 7. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – The Secretary of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall within sixty (60) days from the approval of this Act, promulgate rules and regulations on the classification system for good conduct and time allowances, as may be necessary, to implement the provisions of this Act.
Section 8. Separability Clause. – If any part hereof is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the provisions not otherwise affected shall remain valid and subsisting.
Section 9. Repealing Clause. – Any law, presidential decree or issuance, executive order, letter of instruction, administrative order, rule or regulation contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act is hereby repealed, modified or amended accordingly.
Section 10. Effectivity Clause. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) new papers of general circulation.

President of the Senate
Speaker of the House of Representatives
This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 3064 and House Bill No. 417 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on November 5, 2012 and January 28, 2013, respectively.

Acting Senate Secretary
Secretary General
House of Representatives
Approved: MAY 29 2013
President of the Philippines