Tuesday, October 15, 2024

10162014 wed

Php12 pamasahe ganda.



1.⁠ ⁠At 60, the workplace eliminates you. No matter how successful or powerful you were during your career, you'll return to being an ordinary person. So, don't cling to the mindset and sense of superiority from your past job, let go of your ego, or you might lose your sense of ease!

2.⁠ ⁠At 70, society gradually eliminates you. The friends and colleagues you used to meet and socialize with become fewer, and hardly anyone recognizes you at your former workplace. Don't say, "I used to be..." or "I was once..." because the younger generation won't know you, and you mustn't feel uncomfortable about it!

3.⁠ ⁠At 80, family slowly eliminates you. Even if you have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you'll be living with your spouse or by yourself. When your children visit occasionally, it's an expression of affection, so don't blame them for coming less often, as they're busy with their own lives!

4.⁠ ⁠At 90, the Earth wants to eliminate you. Some of the people you knew have already departed forever. At this point, don't be sad or mournful, because this is the way of life, and everyone will eventually follow this path!


1. the only thing that won't eliminate you eternally is God because at the end of our journey here on earth we shall all return to Him with accounts of how we lived our lives

2. So, meet Him more,

3. Communicate with Him more,

4. Obey His orders, and

 5. Maintain your presence with Him 

Therefore, while our bodies are still capable, live life to the fullest! Worship God in truth and in spirit. And there will be no regrets living out our lives for Him!

Be blessed!

Na toasted.


When things don’t go your way…

Last February, I had a flight out of Sydney that was cancelled several minutes after we were asked to get ready for boarding. The airline management announced that their engineer couldn’t get the aircraft to operate.

We were the only passengers left in the terminal. The airport had literally closed for the day already. You probably don’t know this but Sydney International Airport has a curfew for flights. No aircraft is allowed to fly in and out between 11PM and 6AM. 

We were asked to go through immigration again and then proceeded to collect our luggages. Afterwhich, we were given Uber vouchers so that we can all go home for the night.

Everyone started to be grumpy. Well, as expected. 

But my first thought was “thank God they managed to identify the operational/technical issue of the aircraft before asking us to board and eventually take off.”

This is where the Burnt Toast Theory comes in. It suggests that when delays happen or when things don’t go as planned, it could actually be a blessing in disguise. Those major or minor life’s inconveniences might actually be protecting you from something.

Essentially, if you burn your toast in the morning (something challenging happens), the time you spend making another slice may have saved you from a car accident or something bad.

Or maybe it causes you to be late for a meeting, but as you stroll in, you cross paths with someone who will become incredibly meaningful in your life that you wouldn’t have met otherwise. 

It’s kind of like the universe always has your back.

As what I always tell myself: 

If you get what you want, that is God’s direction. If you do not get what you want, that is God’s protection. You may not understand His ways but you just have to trust His will.

So the next time things don’t go your way, always remember that you are being redirected to something better.

Love and light 🫶✨❤️❤️

Words by: Jenelyn Rufo Manigos



 "We fight, we fix, we love, we stay." That's called maturity. It's the ability to navigate the ups and downs of relationships with grace, humility, and a willingness to grow together.

Fighting is inevitable, but it's how we fight that matters. Maturity means learning to communicate effectively, to listen actively, and to resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive way.

Fixing means taking responsibility for our actions, apologizing when we're wrong, and making amends. It involves the willingness to compromise and find common ground.

Loving means choosing to prioritize the relationship, even when it's hard. It means showing up with empathy, compassion, and kindness, even in disagreement.

Staying means committing to the journey through the good times and the bad. It means recognizing that relationships are a journey, not a destination, and being willing to put in the work to maintain and strengthen them.

Maturity is not about being perfect; it's about being willing to learn, grow, and evolve together. It's about understanding that relationships involve ups and downs, twists and turns, and being willing to navigate them with courage, resilience, and love.

So, let's embrace the fight, fix, love, and stay. Let's choose maturity and cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships that bring joy and happiness to our lives.

✍🏻 Worth Sharing 

🎨 Marius van Dokkum

No regret.


When younger, we make various choice's without the future in mind. Sometimes those choices bite us in our mid-life. These are some of the things one might regret when they're older.

1. Marrying the wrong person

When you're young, check your motives for marrying. Don't marry to copy your peers, or for social standing or out of pressure. Marry for love and companionship, marry the right person, marry your best friend. For if you marry the wrong person or for the wrong reasons, you will have to put up with that person the rest of your life. Things might get worse between you two; then depression, physical abuse, affairs, pain, shame, court cases, bitterness will define your mid-life years all because you chose the wrong one. Things will get worse when children are involved. Make the right choice of a spouse when you are young.

2. The opportunities you did not seize

When you are younger many doors will open, you will get many chances. Many young people let these opportunities go because of fear, laziness, or pride; yet well younger and with more energy is the best time to start a venture and a name for yourself. Some think the opportunities are too big for them. Take advantage of them or one day when you're older you will want to go back and grab those missed chances.

3. The bridges you burned

When we are younger, we care little for relationships, what most think about is getting money and moving up the ladder of success at all cost. Many use and trample on people to progress, they take relationships for granted, messing up bonds, sleeping with people for personal gain. But these bad actions will catch up with you ahead. When you will realize how empty life is without love and friends. When you will have success but no one around you or no one to trust you.

4.The child you aborted

You are a young lady, you get pregnant and you are scared. You take the aborting option quickly thinking of that moment then. But when you are much older, you will look back and wish you kept that baby. When you will be rich and successful you will wish that child you gave up on would be around to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Being a single mother doesn't mean you can't make it in life or you can't find a man in future.

5. The child you rejected

Young man, you impregnated a woman, she told you she's pregnant with your child. You rejected her and the baby and ran. But years later when you're 50 something, you will wish you were responsible, you will wish you manned up and became a father to that child. You will see that child excel and become an adult but will have no claim to that grown child who you rejected from the beginning. You will regret being a Dead Beat Dad by choice

 6. The marriage you destroyed

So you get married to your good fiance; the first months in marriage were good but shortly after, with your money and charm, you started having affairs. You became unfaithful. Your spouse begged you to stop, your children started hurting, your marriage was collapsing. One day when you are older, it will hit you how foolish you were to destroy the good marriage you had began to build for mere temporary thrills in affairs that did you no good. You will realize the damage you caused to your children and spouse.

7. The God you disowned

When you are much older you become wiser, God becomes more real as you see life in a more meaningful way. But don't wait to get older to start enjoying a relationship with God. Know God when you are young, build your future with God. Don't be a young rebel who runs back to God when age catches up.

8. The body you messed up

You have only one body to live with all your life. The cigarettes, the alcohol you are abusing, the drugs you are taking, the unhealthy food you're consuming; all that will destroy you slowly. When you are 50 and lifestyle diseases catch up with you, you will wish you took care of your body when younger, that you exercised more; but now the damage is done.

9. The time you wasted

The time you are wasting when younger in worry, wrong relationships, laziness, being a couch potato, giving excuses and pursuing meaningless things; you will never get it back.

10. The dreams and talents you shelved

Are you talented when young; are there things you love to do and you are good at them? Nurture those talents, exploit them, don't give up even if you encounter set backs, don't give up on your dreams. If you give up, when you're older you will look at your peers who stuck to what they love and made it and think to yourself, "That could have been me". Pursue a career, study a course you love. Don't waste years of your life in a field that doesn't fulfill you.

11 The name you defamed

When you are older, a legacy is very important, the value of your name is crucial. You will ask yourself what is your reputation, what are you leaving behind? Your legacy is a sum total of your actions since youthful days. We write our biography by how we live life everyday. When you look back your path and you see the mud you threw at your own name, the shame you attracted and the little value you have added to the world; you will regret.

12. The wealth you threw away

Are you riding on good money during your productive years? Earning good money? Don't throw away that money in clubs, reckless living and wasteful shopping. Invest with that money, widen your revenue stream, make that money work for you and keep it safe to take care of you in your older years. Leave an inheritance for your loved ones so that you will never say "I wish I knew better"

13. The good love that got away

Is there that great person in your life loving you good? Don't push that person away, or else that person will walk out your life and you will never ever find someone that incredible and who connects with you all your life. It will torment you to grow older with thoughts of "What if I was still with that person?"

14 The parents you despised

When younger, it is easy to show contempt to your parents; what do your parent's know? They are old-fashioned, shady and small -minded. But your parents are still your parents whether you agree with them or not, whatever their style. Don't let your parent die or age separated from you, reconcile and make up. When you get older, you will realize why your parents wanted to be close to you. The older you get, the more you see the value. 

Thanks for reading

To realize

The value of a sister or brother

Ask someone

Who doesn't have one.

To realize

The value of ten years:

Ask a newly

Divorced couple.

To realize

The value of four years:

Ask a graduate.

To realize

The value of one year:

Ask a student who

Has failed a final exam.

To realize

The value of nine months:

Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize

The value of one month:

Ask a mother

Who has given birth to

A premature baby.

To realize

The value of one week:

Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize

The value of one minute:

Ask a person

Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize

The value of one second:

Ask a person

Who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

Be grateful.

 A Wife came Home early and found her Husband in their Bedroom making love to a very Attractive Young Woman. She was very Upset. 

_"You are a Disrēspêctful Pīg!"_ she Cried.

 _"How dare you do this to me – a Faithful Wife, the Mother of your Children! I'm Leaving you. I want a Divorce, NOW!"_

The Husband calmly replied, _"Hang on just a Minute Love. At least let me tell you what Happened."_

_"Fine, go ahead",_ the Wife Sobbed, _"but they will be the last Words you say to me!"_

The Husband Began:

_"Well, as I was getting into the Car at Work to drive Home, this Young Lady here asked me for a Lift. She looked so Distressed, Helpless and Defenceless that I took Pity on her and let her into the Car."_

_"She was very Thin, not well Dressed and very Dirty and told me that she hadn't Eaten for Three Days."_

_"Out of Compassion, I brought her Home and Warmed up the Pizza I made for you last Night that you wouldn’t eat because you're afraid you'll put on Weight. The Poor thing Ate it, Ravenously."_

_"She was Dirty. I suggested she have a Shower. While Showering, I noticed her Clothes were Filthy and Threadbare. I threw them away."_

_"I gave her the Designer Jeans that you’ve had for a Few Years, but don’t Wear because you say they are too Tight."_

_"I gave her Underwear, your Anniversary Present from me, which you don’t Wear because you said I don't have Good Taste."_

_"I gave her the Sexy Blouse my sister gave you for Christmas, that you don’t Wear just to annoy her. 

I also donated those Boots you bought at an expensive Boutique but don’t Wear because someone at Work has the same Pair."_

The Husband Paused, took a quick Breath and continued:

_"She was so Grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the Door, she turned to me with Tears in her Eyes and said, “Please Sir... Do you have anything else that your Wife doesn’t use?


 Tomatoes Hate Cucumbers - Secrets Of Companion Planting and Popular Combinations

Tomatoes and Cucumbers: An Uneasy Alliance�While tomatoes and cucumbers may seem like a match made in salad heaven, the reality is far from harmonious. In the world of companion planting, these two popular garden vegetables are often considered incompatible companions. Why? The reasons lie in their respective growth habits, nutritional needs, and susceptibility to disease.

1.Growth Habits: Tomatoes are notorious for their sprawling growth habits, with vines that can easily overwhelm neighboring plants. On the other hand, cucumbers prefer to spread out and climb, often competing with tomatoes for space and sunlight.

2.Nutritional Needs: Both tomatoes and cucumbers are heavy feeders, meaning they require ample nutrients to thrive. When planted together, they may end up competing for soil nutrients, leading to stunted growth and reduced yields.

3.Disease Susceptibility: Perhaps most importantly, tomatoes and cucumbers are susceptible to similar diseases, including various fungal infections and wilts. Planting them in close proximity increases the risk of disease spread, potentially devastating both crops.

The Solution: Strategic Planting Combinations�While the relationship between tomatoes and cucumbers may be fraught with challenges, all hope is not lost. By understanding their needs and preferences, gardeners can implement strategic planting combinations to mitigate potential conflicts and maximize benefits.

1.Vertical Gardening: One effective strategy is to embrace vertical gardening techniques. By training tomatoes to grow vertically using stakes or trellises, gardeners can free up valuable ground space for cucumbers to sprawl without competing for territory.

2.Intercropping with Complementary Plants: Instead of planting tomatoes and cucumbers side by side, consider intercropping them with complementary plants that promote growth and deter pests. For example, basil and marigolds are known to repel common tomato pests, while radishes can help deter cucumber beetles.

3.Rotating Crops: To minimize the risk of disease, practice crop rotation by alternating the location of tomatoes and cucumbers each growing season. This disrupts the life cycles of pathogens in the soil and reduces the likelihood of infection.

4.Companion Planting with Caution: While tomatoes and cucumbers may not make ideal companions, there are still opportunities for strategic pairing with caution. For instance, planting them in separate raised beds or containers can help maintain spatial separation while still benefiting from their proximity.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Anim na luho sa buhay.


21 life lessons.

 Twenty one

Never quit.

 Never quit! 

Don't give up yet! If you stumble, get back up; what happened yesterday no longer matters, today is another day; so get back on track and move closer to your dreams. Winners never quit, quitters never win! Losers live in the past; Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present. Winner trains, loser complain; Losers quit when they are tired; winners quit when they've won!

Losers quit when they fail; winners fail until they succeed. Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit! For you aren't defeated when you lose, you're defeated when you quit! Keep going! It is not over yet! Setbacks defeats losers but inspires winners, because winners make goals, losers make excuses. You have all it takes within you to be a winner and remain a winner at all times! 

Giving up on your goal because of a few setbacks is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat. Your greatest weakness lies in giving up! You've got only three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you've got! Coward never start; the weak never finish; Winners never quit! For life has two rules: 1. never quit! 2. Always remember rule number 1. Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn! Wake up! 

Listen, if you don't see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner! What you see is what you become! 



Time to reflect.

10152014 tue nakadumi.

Php12 pamasahe ganda

Php90 pechay + pakbet
Php120 4x30 isda
Php60 2x30 mineral water
Php100 buko

Nareceived ni pogi yung reseta at medical cert nya fit to work kay dra sosa.



1. Kapag di ka nila mapakinabangan, MAYABANG ka. Kapag ayaw mo makipagplastikan, MAPAGMATAAS ka.

2. SWAPANG! Gusto sa kanila lahat. Feeling superior; Yung porket sila ang nakakaangat, sila nakakatanda, feeling bawal maungusan, ayaw magpa daig. Akala nila laging may kumpitensya kahit ikaw, chill lang. 

3. Yung respeto nila base sa kung may pera ka o wala. Kilala ka lang kapag meron ka, kapag wala, TAE ang tingin sayo. 

4. Gusto kang ibaba. Mas makukuha mo pa ang totoong suporta sa ibang tao kaysa sa toxic na kamag anak mo.

5.Mababait sa harap mo, pero patalikod kung tumira. Nabubuhay sa paninira ng kamag anak kaya hindi umaasenso.

6. Bastos ka kapag sumagot ka; pero nung panahon na sila ang nangbabastos sayo, ok lang. Nung pumalag ka, bastos ka na.

7. Yung feeling may ambag sa buhay mo pero sila naman yung walang pakialam noon. Sila yung walang naitulong pero sila yung maraming nasasabi.

8. Kapag mas pinili mong manahimik at mag disconnect sa kanila, para mas mapayapa ang buhay, nagmamataas ka na agad. Ayaw nila ng masaya, gusto nila makipag away.

9. Nakabantay sa buhay mo pero buhay nila hindi nila naasikaso. Dahil hindi sila umangat, ayaw ka rin nilang umangat. 

Bonus: Magkaka away buong taon, tapos bati bati tuwing pasko. Tapos nagsisiraan ulit sa susunod na taon. 🤮🤮🤮 Nagkakampihan pa yung nagsisiraan.

May ganitong kamag anak ka rin ba? Ang toxic no? Pero subukan mo silang hayaan, mag disconnect ka sa kanila, huwag ka mag paapekto, tutal nabubuhay sila sa paninira, ikaw, mabuhay ka kung saan ka sasaya at aasenso.

Hayaan mo silang manggigil, ikaw, magtrabaho ka lang. Diyos na ang bahala sa kanila. 🙏🙏😁




Iba pa rin kapag katabi mo ang asawa mo sa pagtulog.

1. May tatapik sa likuran o kaya'y hihimas sa tiyan mo para lang makahanap ka ng masarap na tulog.

2. May kaagaw ka sa kumot kapag maginaw na ang gabi.

3. May papatay ng aircon/electric fan sa lamig o kaya'y magbubukas sa sobrang init.

4. May dadantay sa iyo, o mas tamang sabihing, may madadantayan ka 🙂

5. May gigising sa iyo kapag malakas ang hilik mo lalo na kapag umuungol ka na sa bangungot.

6. May magdadala sa iyo ng tubig kapag bigla kang sinumpong ng sakit mo.

7. May masasabihan ka ng kwento ng buhay mo sa maghapon kahit minsan ay nakakatulugan ka niya. 

8. May mangangalabit sayo ng 3.AM ng madaling araw😅😅

9. May hahalik sayo paggising mo🥰

Iba pa rin kapag katabi ang asawa sa pagtulog. Mas payapa, panatag at secured ka dahil alam mong katabi mo ang taong nagmamahal sa iyo at minamahal mo. 👭💞

Mahalin ang asawa siya ay biyaya sa atin ng ating Diyos

Sunday, October 13, 2024

10142024 mon check up pogi dra sosa

Php1000 borrow baon ganda
Php12 pandesal
Php10 pandesal
Php200 shopèe pintura.

Php70 lanzones
Php35 gulay puso ala lasa.

Php1000 check up dra fee.

Saturday, October 12, 2024



1. Kapag bumili ka ng installment na sasakyan sasabihin nila... "Pasikat lang yan. Maniwala ako pag buo nyang binayaran ng cash"

2. Kapag naman bumili ka ng second hand na sasakyan tas binayaran mo ng buo na cash sasabihin nila... "Second hand??? Madali namang masira yan. Dapat yung brandnew nalang kung totoo rin sya!"

3. Pag nagpatayo ka ng bahay sasabihin nila... "kung hindi yan sila tinulungan ng byenan at magulang nya hindi yan makakapagpatayo ng bahay"

4. Kapag nagnegosyo ka at sa wakas nakapag opening ka na sasabihin nila... "Ang mamahal naman ng presyo nila, buti pa run sa kabila mas mura, dun nalang tayo bumili, wag na dyan."

5. Kapag hindi mo sila pinautang sasabihin nila... ""Para namang hindi sya nagsimula sa wala. Mahirap din naman yan dati, nangungutang din."

6. Kapag nakita ka nilang nagshopping sa mall o di kaya ay nagtravel sasabihin nila... "Feeling mayaman naman yun, ni hindi nga nya matulungan ang parents nya/ang kapatid nya."

Ganyan ang reyalidad ng buhay.. Meron at merong maiinggit sayo.. Lahat ng gagawin mo meron at meron silang masasabi sayo. Baka nga kaibigan o kamag-anak mo pa. Kaya just do what makes you happy basta alam mo na wala kang inaapakan at inaagrabyadong iba.. Hanggat hindi ka nanghihingin sa kanila gawin mo lang ng gawin❤️💯😊

10132024 sun driving ganda

Pinta ng blue flashing ng bubong.

Bert flight 7pm. Today.

Praktis driving ganda sa subdv. Then punta sa NOMO. Galing.


Php2104.35 WaTaMi japanese
Php78.57 pearl milk tea
Php78.57 pearl milk tea
Php209.00 energizer battery 9V.

Si green na ibon ay pumanaw na. Dahil sa gutom. Si puti na lang ang natira.


 12 Homemade fertilizers for plants easy to find at home

1. Banana Peels: Bury or soak for potassium.

2. Coffee Grounds: Great for acidic plants.

3. Eggshells: Crush and sprinkle for calcium.

4. Epsom Salt: Dissolve for magnesium.

5. Molasses: Dilute for nutrients and microbes.

6. Aquarium Water: Full of beneficial nutrients.

7. Wood Ash: Sprinkle for potassium and calcium.

8. Gelatin: Dissolve for leafy growth.

9. Milk: Mix for calcium and protein.

10. Seaweed: Rinse and chop for minerals and growth hormones.

11. Vegetable Scraps: Boil for nutrient-rich broth.

12. Weed Tea: Steep for nutrient-rich fertilizer.

Experiment and nourish your plants for robust growth!



Responsibilities of a Father in a Family:

_Primary Responsibilities:_

1. Providing financial support

2. Emotional guidance and support

3. Disciplining and setting boundaries

4. Role-modeling values and behavior

5. Protecting and ensuring family safety

_Emotional Support:_

1. Listening and validating feelings

2. Offering comfort and reassurance

3. Encouraging open communication

4. Supporting partner's emotional needs

5. Modeling healthy emotional expression

_Discipline and Guidance:_

1. Setting clear expectations and rules

2. Teaching life skills and values

3. Encouraging responsibility and independence

4. Modeling respectful communication

5. Providing constructive feedback

_Financial Provision:_

1. Managing household finances

2. Providing for family's basic needs

3. Planning for future financial security

4. Saving for children's education

5. Ensuring family's economic stability


1. Demonstrating integrity and honesty

2. Modeling respectful relationships

3. Teaching respect for authority

4. Encouraging physical and mental well-being

5. Embodying values and principles

_Parenting Partnership:_

1. Co-parenting with mother

2. Sharing childcare responsibilities

3. Collaborating on discipline and guidance

4. Supporting partner's parenting style

5. Maintaining united front in parenting

_Community Involvement:_

1. Participating in children's activities

2. Volunteering in community or school

3. Building relationships with neighbors

4. Role-modeling social responsibility

5. Fostering community connections

_Personal Growth:_

1. Pursuing personal interests and hobbies

2. Continuing education and self-improvement

3. Maintaining physical and mental health

4. Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care

5. Seeking support and resources when needed

_Influencing Children's Development:_

1. Shaping moral and ethical values

2. Encouraging educational and career goals

3. Modeling healthy relationships

4. Teaching life skills and independence

5. Fostering emotional intelligence


1. Fatherhood is a unique and vital role.

2. Emotional support is crucial for family well-being.

3. Partnership with your spouse is essential.

4. Role-modeling values and behavior shapes children's development.

5. Seeking support is a sign of strength.

#father #fatherhood 

𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: No Copyright Infringement Intended. all credit goes to the rightful owners.💖

Let's Spread Love & Positivity for more blessings to come. 😍


 May nagtanong sakin ano daw opinion ko dito. 

Lahat nman ng marunong magbasa ng price action, chart, movement ng market ay pwede gumawa ng analysis. Ayos lng yan if bumagsak hindi na ako nabbother. Nakita ko nga na nag 4k level ang market, alam mo ba ginawa ko?

Gumawa din ako ng analysis dati ang gamit ko nman is Elliott waves na sinabi ko papunta ng 5k ang market. Babagsak pa pala ng 4k huehue. 😁

Habang nagccomplain ang iba at umaayaw na sa PSE. Bumili ako ng Blue chip stock that time at marami akong sinabihan na yun ang bilhin natin. If matagal ka ng nagfollow sa Page alam mo na kung anong stock yun. Isa yun sa mga stock na nakatulong sakin magpagawa ng 5 floor na bahay. 💖😃

Kaya kung alam nyo petsa pakisabi agad, kahit year lng. Para mapaghandaan natin yan at masalo yun Blue chip na babagsak sa ibaba. Daming pera ang pwedeng kitain sa pagbagsak ng market. Pero kikita ka lng syempre if marunong ka. 😃💪💸

Opportunity yan... Itatanong mo pa ba sakin kung paano ko nasabi? Kasi na experience at nakita ko mismo. Kaya chill lng at enjoy ang trading. 🍀☺️

READ: https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/scitech/science/922993/how-up-mathematicians-detect-potential-stock-market-crashes/story/

Friday, October 11, 2024

Ugali ng mayaman.

 5 Habit Rich People Will Not Tell You.

1. A single minute of procrastination can destroy a month of hard work and discipline.

2. Rich people don't use their money to show off. They use their money to make more money. Any show off at all is done with the proceedings of their investment. 

3. Earning money while sleeping is the ultimate flex.

4. Never show off but keep winning in private. Not everyone wants to see you winning.

5. Mingling with likeminded friends who encourage you to do better is the real game changer.


Lumayo kana.

 Sabi ni Bea Alonzo:

Kapag alam mong hindi kana naaappreciate, lumayo kana. Kapag hindi kana mahal, umalis kana. Kapag ramdam mong hindi ka na belong, umiwas ka na. Be strong enough to face the reality na hindi lahat ng gusto mo, gugustuhin ka. 

In short, life is too short to spend time with the wrong people. Never beg someone to be with you. Never beg for attention, commitment, affection, time and effort. Never beg someone to come back or stay. If someone doesn't willingly give you these things with their arms wide open. They aren't worth it. 



10122024 sat

Php22 big bun
Php70 gulay
Php60 dinuguan
Php60 dinuguan
Php55 cordon
Php30 pancit

Php100 bayad cris sa 4L dish washing
Php30 3x10 noveleta asin

Nagtreat si Ella. Kaklase ni pogi sa CSOL.
Naka uwi 1:30am na ng sunday.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

10112024 Fri amiyar paid nakadumi

Goto bacoor municipal treasurer
Bayad amilyar

Php14832.19 amilyar
Php3140.79 bong
Php4426.82 net
Php7264.59 sa atin.

Php237.43 jolibee.
Php400 jolibee

Met Lei and Edwin. Ademc event at bacoor coliseum.
9:45am home.

Nag sm si pogi at ganda
Give mama php15k angelus plus 5k amilyar.


 Stop making yourself poor, stop saying you don't have, that you don't get enough, that you earn little. 

Because if you live declaring poverty, poverty is what you're going to get.

Also, break that bad habit of playing the victim.

You're never gonna get better like this.

The first thing you need to change is your SELF-CONCEPT.

You are not poor, you are just broke.

The money will come, you will get it.

But first you must get a new state of mind.

Remember that your Financial status is only a reflection of your mental state.. so if in your mind you see money, you see wealth, you see opportunities, you see progress, soon, that will be reflected in your pockets.

The second thing to improve, is your evaluation.

Don't settle for small things, go for big.

Learn to manage when you have, do not spend for spending define your priorities well

The third thing to improve is your language.

Change your words.

There are people who talk all day about illnesses or that they don't get enough.

You ask them how you’re doing, and they answer almost reluctantly: “Here, sort of.” "Having a good time" "here with nothing, on the edge of indigence." Others say: "you don't earn, but you enjoy." "

If you realize, those are expressions that become seeds of more need..

Change your words, move to the wealth lane.

When they ask you how you are, reply with attitude: "One million. "Advancing the whole machine"". Nice. " " Positive. "Your words create a new vibration.💯


 Why is the song called BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY?...

Why is it, exactly, 5 minutes and 55 seconds?

What is this song, really, about?

Why was the Queen movie released on October 31?

The film was released on October 31 because the single was heard for the first time on October 31, 1975. It is titled like this because a "Rhapsody" is a free piece of music composed in different parts and themes where it seems that no part has any relation to the other. The word "Rhapsody" comes from Greek and means "assembled parts of a song." The word "bohemian" refers to a region of the Czech Republic called Bohemia, the place where Faust, the protagonist of the play that bears his name written by the playwright and novelist Goethe, was born. In Goethe's work, Faust was a very intelligent old man who knew everything except the mystery of life. Not understanding it, he decides to poison himself.Just at that moment the church bells ring and he goes out into the street. Back in his room, he finds there is a dog. The animal transforms into a kind of man. It is about the devil Mephistopheles. He promises Fausto to live a full life and not be miserable in exchange for his soul. Fausto agrees, rejuvenates and becomes arrogant. He meets Gretchen and they have a son. His wife and son die. Fausto travels through time and space and feels powerful. As he grows old again he feels miserable again. Since he did not break the pact with the devil, the angels dispute his soul. This work is essential to understanding Bohemian Rhapsody.

The song talks about Freddie Mercury himself. Being a rhapsody we find 7 different parts:

1st and 2nd act A Capella

3rd act Ballad

4th act guitar solo

5th act opera

6th act rock

7th act "coda" or final act

The song talks about a poor boy who questions if this life is real or if it is his distorted imagination that lives another reality. He says that even if he stops living, the wind will continue to blow without his existence. So he makes a deal with the devil and sells his soul.

Upon making this decision, he runs to tell his mother and tells her...

“Mom, I just killed a man. I put a gun to his head and now he's dead. I have thrown my life away. If I'm not back tomorrow, move on as if nothing matters..." That man who kills is himself, Freddie Mercury himself.

If he does not fulfill the pact with the devil, he will die immediately. He says goodbye to his loved ones and his mother bursts into tears, tears and desperate crying that come from Brian May's guitar notes. Freddie, scared, shouts "mom, I don't want to die" and the operatic part begins. Freddie is in an astral plane where he sees himself: "I see a little silhoutte of a man." "scaramouche, are you going to start a dispute/fight?"

Scaramouche is "skirmish" a dispute between armies with horse riders (4 horsemen of the evil Apocalypse fight against the forces of good for Freddie's soul) and it goes on to say "Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me" too much). This phrase appears in the Bible, exactly in Job 37 when it says... "the thunder and lightning frighten me: my heart pounds in my chest." His mother, seeing him so scared by the decision her son has made, begs to save him from the pact with Mephistopheles. "He's just a poor boy..." He forgives his life for this monstrosity. What comes easy, goes easy. Will you let him go? " Their supplications are heard and the angels descend to fight the forces of evil." Bismillah (Arabic word meaning "In the name of God") is the first word that appears in the Muslim holy book, the Quran. So God himself appears and shouts "we will not abandon you, let him go."

Faced with such a confrontation between the forces of good and evil, Freddie fears for the life of his mother and tells her "Mama mia, mama mia let me go" (mother, let me go). They shout again from the sky that they are not going to abandon him and Freddie shouts "no, no, no, no, no" and says "Beelzebub (the Lord of Darkness) may have put a devil in you mother." Freddie here pays tribute to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Sebastian Bach when he sings... "Figaro, Magnifico" referencing Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro", considered the best opera in history, and Bach's "Magnificat" . He finishes the operatic part and the more rock part breaks in. The devil, angry and betrayed by Freddie by not fulfilling the pact, tells him “Do you think you can insult me ​​like this? Do you think you can come to me and then abandon me? “Do you think you can love me and let me die?”

It is shocking how the lord of evil feels powerless before a human being, before repentance and love. Once the battle is lost, the devil leaves and we reach the last act or "coda" where Freddie is free and that feeling comforts him. He sounds the gong that closes the song. The gong is an instrument used in China and Far East Asia to heal people who are under the effects of evil spirits.

5:55 minutes last. Freddie was into astrology and 555 in numerology is associated with death, not physical, but spiritual, the end of something where angels will safeguard you. 555 is related to God and the divine, an ending that will begin a new stage.

And the song plays on All Saints' Eve for the first time. A holiday called "Samhain" by the Celts to celebrate the transition and opening to the other world.

The Celts believed that the world of the living and the dead were almost united, and on the day of the dead both worlds were united, allowing the spirits to transit to the other side. Nothing in Bohemian Rhapsody is coincidental.

Everything is very measured, worked and has a meaning that transcends beyond being a simple song. It has been voted worldwide as the best song of all time.

This song represented a radical change in Queen as if she had really made a pact with the devil, she changed their lives forever and made them immortal.

Written by Jorge Palazón, Madrid (Spain).

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

5 ways.


1. Accept the situation: Acknowledge the situation you are in and accept it. Denying or ignoring the problem won't make it go away. Acceptance helps you to remain calm and find a solution.

2. Focus on the solution: Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on finding a solution. If one solution doesn't work, try another until you find one that works.

3. Seek help: Don't be afraid to seek help. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or therapist. They can offer you support and advice.

4. Take care of yourself: Deal with stress by doing things you enjoy, such as exercising, meditating, or spending time in nature.

5. Learn from your experience: Every difficulty is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on what happened, what you learned, and how you can use this experience to become stronger and more resilient in the future.


EYA Oliver Uchenna®️

God is good.

 Doc Willie Ong's Good News Update: October 8, 2024, 1 pm.

Good News: 

Doc Willie's Sarcoma shrinks by 60% in 6 weeks. (See Actual PET Scan results for comparisons. The LIGHTED areas are the active cancer cells which has dramatically reduced.)

Miracles Do Happen!

"I can only say that GOD LOVES YOU. I have not seen a Sarcoma respond as quickly as yours." says Cancer Specialist Dr Ang Peng Tiam.

I remember all the sad eyes and tears when colleagues found out my diagnosis. A 16 cm large sarcoma invading all the major blood vessels. Inoperable they say. A hopeless and terminal case in the brink of death.

Well, apparently not for my case.

With the help of my brother and a patient of Dr Ang Peng Tiam, I was whisked to Singapore while in serious condition.

Now, after 6 weeks of treatment by my Singapore Oncologist, Dr Ang Peng Tiam, the cancer has shrunk dramatically. "Sarcoma is one of the hardest cancers to treat," Dr Ang says.

It's really a miracle.

First, I thank God for His continued guidance in my life. He plans my mission on earth and I follow.

Second, I thank the many many people who prayed and sacrificed for me.

Third, I thank my Oncologist Doctor Ang Peng Tiam and his team of doctors and health workers. This doctor can make many stage 4 cancer patients live 8 years and counting, from my conversation with his many patients.

Fourth, I thank my family and relatives for their financial and emotional support.

And of course, I thank Doc Liza and my 2 daughters who have never left me on this journey.

As I have said, curing myself is just HALF of the battle plan.

The important step is FIXING the broken healthcare system in our country.

There is a REASON why I experienced the highs and lows of our healthcare system. There is a reason I experienced the AGONY that our poor countrymen are going through.

With your help, we will improve healthcare in our country. And hopefully make a dent at the widespread corruption plaguing our country.

Maraming salamat po.

- Doc Willie Ong

10102024 thu punta trece

Php14 pandesal
Php12 pamasahe pogi
Php50 bigay kay pogi
Php100 uv pogi lawton
Php247 grab pogi to apply nya. West triangle quezon ave.
Php47 bus to pitx pogi
Php34 pitx to sm pogi

Php24 2x12 tricycle kanto.
Php146 2x73 panapaan to trece munisipyo.

Magbayad amilyar sa trece.
8:21am patindig araw na kami. Si pogi andoon na.
8:39am salitran.
8:55am dasma volets.
9:00am pala pala.
9:03am  langkaan
9:06am monterey
9:10am manggahan
9:30am nasa trece municipal office na kami.
Kuha bagong tax dec. Pina update pangalan addresss at pina correct TCT number.

Php5119.17 total amilyar pais from 2016 to 2025.
Php6 xerox ng title
Php50 salad
Php50 maki
Php290 kfc. Php207.14
Php200 red ribbon.
Php120 tricycle pa ciudad adelina B19L40 girlie.

Lote namin Blk5 Lot 4.
Php142 2x71 conchu to panapaan kanto
Php60 tipid palabas ng adelina sa kanto. Hatid ni Girlie.

Php20 mani
Php60 2x30 fishda
Php30 tricycle

1:53pm san agustin dasma na.
2:36pm imus

Php2000 upa kay chard at welding.


 Bill Gates was invited by a high school to give a lecture. He arrived by helicopter, took the paper from the pocket where he had written eleven items. He read everything in less than 5 minutes, was applauded for more than 10 minutes non-stop, thanked him and left in his helicopter. What was written is very interesting, read:

1. Life isn't easy — get used to it.

2. The world is not concerned about your self-esteem. The world expects you to do something useful for it BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

A former cleaning lady becomes a chef and fulfils her dream of having her own organic restaurant

True story: A simple (but powerful) gesture of kindness from a CEO

3. You will not earn $20,000 a month once you leave school. You won't be vice president of a company with a car and phone available until you've managed to buy your own car and phone.

4. If you find your teacher rude, wait until you have a boss. He will not feel sorry for you.

5. Selling old newspapers or working while on vacation is not beneath your social standing. Your grandparents have a different word for it: they call it opportunity.

6. If you fail, it's not your parents' fault. So do not whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as critical as they are now. They only got that way from paying your bills, washing your clothes and hearing you say they're "ridiculous." So before saving the planet for the next generation wanting to fix the mistakes of your parent's generation, try cleaning your own room.

8. Your school may have blurred the distinction between winners and losers, but life isn't like that. In some schools, you don't repeat more than a year and you have as many chances as you need to get it right. This looks like absolutely NOTHING in real life. If you step on the ball, you're fired… STREET!!! Do it right the first time!

9. Life is not divided into semesters. You won't always have summers off, and it's unlikely that other employees will help you with your tasks at the end of each term.

10. Television is NOT real life. In real life, people have to leave the bar or the club and go to work.

11. Be nice to the CDFs (those students that others think are assholes). There is a high probability that you will work FOR one of them.”

Know these and know peace. I come in PEACE 😇

10092024 wed

Php12 ganda pamasahe
Php14 pandesal

Php75 pack vulcaseal
Php75 7kl cement
Php195 wood RO 2"X2"X8'

Work done
Replace wood 2x2 sa kusina
Apply vulcaseal sa bubong
Baklas tubo na barado. Clean and apply vulcaseal
Lagay cemento sa bubong sa may likod.
Pinatungan ng yero na alulod ang wall sa likod.

Pina cut yung patay na puno ng atis.
Nagtanim na ako ng bago. Thank you Lord sana lumaki sya at mamunga.
Tinabas ang sanga at sinako ang tuyong dahon.

Php800 upa chard 2pm done
Umulan check kung may natulo pa.

Php4k give chard para sa materyales bukas.