Friday, September 20, 2024

Air sensor

 Air sensor

One of the important pieces in the car engine where it calculates the amount of air that enters the engine, and sends it to the car computer, which in turn adjusts the percentage of fuel until it is pumped into the engine depending on the amount of air,

This sensor has a very important role in maintaining the performance of the engine and when this sensor is damaged or problems arise, a set of symptoms and signs appear on the engine,

What are the signs of air sensor damage?

- The occurrence of a jerk or shake in the car engine when the engine is started and left at idle speed running (i.e. starting the engine without moving the car)

- Weakness in the torque of the car, and as we pointed out, this sensor calculates the amount of air entering the engine and if a malfunction occurs in it, the car computer will not know the appropriate amount of fuel pumping compared to the amount of air inside the engine,

- Irregularity in the RPM signal is among the signs that also indicate damage to the air sensor in cars

- It may lead to increased fuel consumption as a result of the imbalance of the percentage of fuel pumping in the engine and thus the lack of complete combustion of fuel inside the car engine

- In some cars when the air sensor is damaged, the car engine does not work, and this is not limited to all car companies, but only a few of them

- When damaged, the engine bulb appears on the dashboard, the first thing after noticing the symptoms that we mentioned, take the car and examine it by fault diagnostic devices and it will give you the name of the damaged part in your car engine,

The most important reason that leads to damage to the air sensor in the car is its dirt, as the efficiency of its work decreases and the effect of this begins to be clear on the performance of the engine gradually until the sensor is damaged.

With greetings from the #electropro team

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