Saturday, October 05, 2024



A Story Worth Your Time.

A young girl asked her grandfather,

"Papa, what can you teach me that can be useful in my life?" 

The grandfather thought for a long time, and then he said,

"I think I have a powerful life lesson to teach you. But before that, you have to do something that will get everyone's attention, something huge." 

The girl asked pleasantly,

"Something like what, Papa?"

The grandfather paused for a moment, then whistled,

"You should go around the neighborhood and tell everyone that my ostrich had laid six golden eggs. They would all be surprised to hear it. Then tell them that each egg is worth many millions, and that I would become a multimillionaire by selling them. Tell everyone that soon my life would change forever, and I would become one of the richest men in the society."

The young girl did so without understanding the essence of it. After she came back, she and her grandfather waited all day and into the night, but none of their neighbours showed up at their house to congratulate him and rejoice with him.

The following morning, the grandfather said to the girl,

"Now, you should go back around the neighborhood and tell everyone that during last night, a thief came and destroyed my house, killed my ostrich and stole all the golden eggs. Tell them I've lost everything!"

The girl went out and told the neighbours so. However, after a short while, a shocking number of people crowded at their house. Surprised, the young girl asked her grandfather, 

"Papa, why is it that a lot of people showed up today, but none came yesterday?"

The grandfather smiled and said,

"When people hear good news about you, they stay silent, ignore it and act like nothing happened. But when they hear bad news about you, they spread it like wildfire, and rush to confirm if it is true. People will find it difficult to celebrate your success, but will rush to witness your downfall..." 

At that moment, the grandfather placed an arm around the girl's shoulders, smiled again, and then continued, 

"Now this is the powerful life lesson I've got to teach you... The biggest lie we are told by people around us is that they are happy to see us succeed. The truth is, most people, even close friends and neighbours don't want to see you succeed. When someone realizes you're becoming more successful than them, it become a threat. Most people genuinely do not like people doing better than them. They become jealous, and deep down inside, they want nothing more than to have that life. However, it is important to remember that you cannot control how others act or how they perceive you. Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself. Stop trying to change them, stop worrying about what they are doing. Set your goals, follow your dreams, listen to your heart, and don't let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your dreams.”

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