Saturday, July 20, 2024



This morning, I had a catch-up meeting with my Australian boss to discuss some client programs, as I manage her gym. During the meeting, she asked me, “How’s your law study going?”

I replied, “Same old. Draining. Tiresome. This week and next week are my final exams. But I’m okay.”

She noted, “You seem reluctant, but I understand. I know professional progression is not easy. Please don’t overwork yourself. You can reduce your hours or increase them, just notify me.”

“Appreciate that! Thanks for making my schedule flexible,” I responded.

She then added, “We should maintain balance in everything. We work to achieve our goals, not to hasten our demise. I want you to be happy because when you’re happy, I’ll be happy too. If you ever feel like not working, just let me know. You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

Her words left me speechless. I’ve been working with Filipino bosses and colleagues since 2017, and I’ve never felt this valued. 

I recalled an incident from 2019 when I worked in a BPO. Despite being awarded Rookie of the Year for my exemplary performance as call center virgin, I never felt appreciated. 

When diagnosed with Acute Renal Disease, the company nurse just allowed me only a 30-minute rest before telling me to resume work. Higher-ups didn’t believe me and accused me of faking such disease to avoid calls. This experience made me think that Filipino bosses are the worst. (Wait! I understand not all, but mostly😂).

When I left that job, I realized that the world is vast and full of opportunities. You just need to discern whether those opportunities are value-adding or self-destructing.

To all employees who feel devalued at their workplace, don’t be afraid to leave that job. There’s more to life than clinging to toxic systems that drain you rather than help you grow.

We should strive to grow like mountains, not shrink like grains of sand. Trust me, one day you’ll find the best boss and a workplace free from toxicity.

This happened to me, and I'm confident it could happen to you too.


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